[情报] Daily Horoscope 周运 3/2-3/8

楼主: matryoshka (俄罗斯娃娃)   2020-03-02 18:01:26
出处:Daily Horoscope for Mar 2 - Mar 8 2020
As you enter this week, Libra, you may find yourself preoccupied with
pondering what happened last week. You may be unhappy with the way something
played out, and you may keep playing it over and over again in your head. But
that isn't going to change anything, and frankly, it is a waste of your time.
Concentrate on the here and now. This week, you should have a chance to undo
any perceived damages and start something fresh without fear or hesitation.
You may even find that someone comes to you who can help you out with aspects
that are not clear to you, and that could make a huge difference. Maintain a
positive attitude as always, and you will do well. A partnership and
collaboration will be emphasized this week. This may not be the forming of a
new partnership or new collaboration, but rather the reconciliation of an old
On many levels, you worked quite well together, but there may have been a
point where you diverged and handled it all wrong on both sides. You may have
a chance to come back together this week. If you have to reach out yourself,
then do so, because this could be a magical union with the potential to
collaborate very creatively together.
This may also be a week when you realize that distancing yourself or even
separating from someone you are not getting along with would be a good idea.
But this will not be permanent. It will, however, give you a chance to come
to appreciate each other once again and find a better way to relate.
作者: chipmunk1019 (chipmunk)   2020-03-03 12:59:00

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