[情报] 8/26 daily horoscope

楼主: melodymayday (挖鼻孔)   2018-08-26 15:53:30
出处:daily horoscope
You may be expecting less of something or someone now because you don't want
to wind up being disappointed.
That's a natural human reaction.
Getting your hopes up for something you dream of can be quite frightening,
because the bigger you dream, the harder you can fall.
But don't be afraid to be hopeful, Libra.
Don't be afraid to expect the best.
Look at it this way: if you expect the best,
and it doesn't happen in this instance,
then the best is still out there waiting for you.
作者: preikestolen (flying up high)   2018-08-26 17:21:00
推 很励志,还是要努力做,不要怕。

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