[情报] 2018/1/15-21 by Daily Horoscope

楼主: xul1021 (挡不住的魅力)   2018-01-15 13:06:06
Libra horoscope for January 15 - January 21
Libra horoscope for January 15 - January 21
The path ahead for you may have seemed a bit foggy as you entered this year, L
ibra. It's as if things are brightening up, and you are beginning to see - or
at least you are inspired by ideas about - the path ahead. Even though you may
have begun the year with something of a cynical attitude, you are beginning t
o have real hope, and it is up to you to keep that flame burning. Seek out ins
piration if you need it. This week should begin to offer you some real inspira
tion for your ideas. You need to nurture those ideas and get excited about the
m, so that you can begin making serious plans. Start keeping a list of your id
eas, your dreams, your plans, and so on for what you want to do this year. If
you do this every day, you should have an impressive list by the weekend. And
if you do, take some time to celebrate and think forward with anticipation, ev
en if you do so in a small way. You can make this a great year, but you need t
o do so in small steps. You can make great strides this week alone, just by ge
tting out of your own way and looking at the bigger picture.
作者: preikestolen (flying up high)   2018-01-15 19:45:00

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