xul1021 (挡不住的魅力)
2017-09-11 11:57:17Libra horoscope for September 11 - September 17
Libra horoscope for September 11 - September 17
No one really needs a luxury car. Nor does anyone really need a mansion to liv
e in. Having a working automobile is enough to get you to work. Having a roof
over your head and a place to sleep in a modest home will suffice. Lately thou
gh, Libra, you may be fantasizing a lot about a more luxurious life. You may v
acillate between your fantasies and the recognition that you don't really need
any of those things. Even so, this week will offer you a pathway toward a bit
more luxury in your life. You will cross paths over the next few days with so
meone who can open a door for you that can lead to magnificent things. You may
encounter this person in more than one place, which will lead you to believe
that it is meant to be - and it is. Make the most of this introduction, and yo
u may find yourself enjoying some of those fantasies. By Friday, a matter conn
ected to your home life or your neighborhood can be resolved without the compl
ications you may have feared.