[情报] 2017/8/21 by Daily Horoscope

楼主: xul1021 (挡不住的魅力)   2017-08-21 10:14:30
Libra horoscope for Monday Aug 21
In the 1970s, bell-bottom pants were all the rage. They had a resurgence of popularity again in recent years, but now they are passonce again. Ideas can be the same way, Libra. You once were certain that a certain idea could make you successful, make you rich, or somehow bring you a sense of great fulfillment. It didn't happen at the time, though, and you let it go. But the times are always changing, and an idea you once discarded may have new life if you give it a chance. So, bring it out, dust it
off, and try again.
作者: preikestolen (flying up high)   2017-08-21 16:55:00

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