[情报] 2016/3/16 Daily Horoscope

楼主: azuregni (贝)   2016-03-15 21:35:41
Libra horoscope for Mar 16 2016
Your inner voice may be urging you to take a step down a path that lies before you. At the same time, Libra, your intellect is telling you something else altogether. You tend to be more intellectually oriented, and to try to ignore your intuition when it doesn't jive with your logic. It's a fine balance, because at times you may think your sixth sense is not accurate. This time, though, you really do need to listen to that voice and follow through. Once you make the change you will get almost immediate
validation that you did the right thing.
作者: changweiiiii (张薇)   2016-03-16 22:57:00

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