stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-09-19 23:25:35All prescription drugs come with a long list of warnings. Drug manufacturers m
ust list everything that could go wrong, even when it is very unlikely. You ma
y be embarking on something new and exciting now, Leo, but some well-meaning f
riend or loved one may be reciting a long list of warnings about what could go
wrong. Try to take a realistic perspective on this. You have probably weighed
all the facts already, and it's very unlikely that anything serious could go
wrong. Remain hopeful, and don't let anyone rain on your parade.
所有药品都会附有一长串警告。 药厂必须列出可能出错的一切,即使上面写的情况不太
尝试对这种现象采取现实的观点。 你可能已经权衡了所有的事实,而且任何严重的事情
都不太可能出错。 保持希望,不要让任何人摧毁它。