stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-08-15 23:58:20You may be working on something now with or parallel to someone else. While yo
u may be breezing through it easily, Leo, the other person may be struggling t
o keep up with you and/or may be moving very slowly. On the outside, it could
look like laziness or a lack of direction or dedication, but it might be more
than that. Just because this is easy for you, does not mean that it's easy for
everyone else. There may be a learning curve. Criticism, therefore, won't hel
p to get things moving. But a genuine offer of patient assistance could help i
您可能正在与其他人合作一个项目。 虽然这对你来说轻轻松松,但另一个人可能正在努
因此,批评无助于让事情发生变化。 但提供帮助可能会有很大的成效。