[情报] 8/5 DailyHoroscope

楼主: stuj9019 (MLGPRO)   2019-08-04 21:48:28
Someone in your world does not show their emotions very easily at all. This pe
rson may be very stoic on the surface, whereas you can be very gregarious and
passionate. But don't let that person's calm exterior fool you, Leo. Remember,
still waters run deep. If you are trying to get a reaction from someone so th
at you can figure out where you stand in an important matter, it is all a matt
er of saying the right things and unleashing your own emotions. The truth will
come out if you do.

你周遭的某个人不会轻易表现出他们的情绪。 这个人可能在表面上非常忍让。与此同时
,你也非常的合群同时也充满著激情。 但是,不要被那个人平静的外表骗了。
请记住,那都只是冰山一角。 如果你想看看某人的反应,以便你可以弄清楚你在一个重


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