[情报] 7/29 DailyHoroscope

楼主: stuj9019 (MLGPRO)   2019-07-28 20:22:59
A certain matter connected to finances - either yours or someone else's - may
be causing you some concern. You want to do what is best. You want to create a
safe situation promoting the feeling of security. But you are well aware that
you cannot control everything and everyone, Leo, and someone else may have a
role in determining where the situation goes from here. There. That's your ans
wer. Not much of an answer? It's actually the only answer you need. Do your pa
rt then let go. Allow the universe to take the reins going forward.

与财务有关的某个问题 - 无论是你的财务状况还是其他人的 - 都可能会引起你的一些担
你想做把事情做到最好。 你希望创造一种充满安全感的状况。,但你很清楚,你无法控
很有可能是其他人才扮演着能下决定的角色。 那里。 你只要把你的事情做好就行了,毕


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