[情报] 3/17 DailyHoroscope

楼主: stuj9019 (MLGPRO)   2018-03-16 08:36:35
A lot of children today spend too much time with electronic devices. If no one
stops them, they might easily devote an entire day to playing games. But if s
omeone were to force them to turn off the devices and give them something else
to do - like bike riding, baseball or reading - they might become just as imm
ersed in another activity. Sometimes there are options available that we don't
even think of because we're so preoccupied with something else. That may be a
problem you're facing now, Leo. Pull yourself away from a not-so-healthy inte
rest, and push yourself toward something more fulfilling.
————————————————————懒人包:近朱者赤 近墨者黑

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