stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2018-02-20 00:12:30This week will see you feeling more uplifted, inspired, and happy, Leo. You ma
y have been in a darker groove last week, and you may have had a hard time pul
ling yourself out of it. But that was then, and this is now; and you need to r
evel in the carefree waves that are lifting you higher. Even if nagging though
ts or fears reach you, you need to shrug them off and think happy thoughts. If
you dwell on the many good opportunities that are coming to you now, you will
grow more confident and more motivated. This week could bring you a new begin
ning with a venture that didn't work out so well at some point in the past. Yo
u can start over completely fresh with a blank slate and be as creative as you
want to be with this. Getting involved in this chance could bring some intere
sting people into your life, while broadening your horizons considerably.
不敢搭话啦呜呜呜呜 然后总是忘记翻周运...