[情报] Daily Horoscope 8/10

楼主: kaorikaze (化做千风)   2017-08-09 22:27:09
You have certain talents that can do good for many others, in fact, you are
often the one those in your circle call when they can't manage something on
their own. But you are so good at so many things, Leo, that some other people
have come to accept your gifts as ordinary. They don't always recognize how
much you do and how far you go to help them. That can feel defeating at
times. And no one likes to feel unappreciated. The next time one of those
offenders overlooks or undervalues your generosity with your talent, try
saying no. They'll come to appreciate you pretty quickly.
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作者: maplemonster (晚飏)   2017-08-09 22:59:00

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