[情报] Daily Horoscope 7/31-8/6 周运势

楼主: kaorikaze (化做千风)   2017-07-30 21:31:01
If someone who has always lived in the city decides to go on a camping trip
in the wilderness, he might be in for a rude awakening. The silence of the
countryside might be deafening. The wide variety of animals might be
frightening. The lack of close proximity to conveniences like shopping malls
and grocery stores might be astounding. You get the picture, Leo. You may be
feeling like a fish out of water now. You have been, or will soon be, dropped
into a situation that is very foreign to you. You may want to pack your
proverbial bags and run the other way, back to where you came from. But there
is so much to gain for you now. The stars are encouraging you to make a big
transition, and this week, it should be much easier and more comfortable for
you. You will still need to be brave, and have faith in the universe and in
yourself. If you can persevere, you'll find yourself feeling surprisingly
comfortable by week's end.
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作者: Starblue1997 (子晴)   2017-07-31 10:35:00
推 勇敢 要练习信心自己

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