[情报] Daily Horoscope 08/06

楼主: kaorikaze (化做千风)   2016-08-05 19:45:53
You are a person with big emotions, Leo. Your joy is overwhelming. Your love
is overpowering. That means that your anger is also big and foreboding. You
may now be feeling quite angry over a recent injustice, and you may be ready
to lash out with angry words. That won't help you though. That might even
hurt you quite a bit - especially if you find out later on that there was an
error involved, and the injustice was all the result of a big mistake. Hold
your temper, and try to understand what might have happened. A studious
approach to problem solving is always better than a hostile approach.
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作者: maplemonster (晚飏)   2016-08-05 20:41:00

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