[分享] 法华经药王菩萨本事品-宣化上人浅释

楼主: a876352000   2024-02-02 07:18:40
【法华经药王菩萨本事品第二十三】法华经经文: 若复有人,以七宝满三千大千世界,供
【宣化上人浅释】: “若复有人,以七宝满三千大千世界”:假使有人,用金、银、琉璃
[Flower Dharma Sutra]: “If a person made an offering to the Buddhas, great Bo
dhisattvas, Pratyekabuddhas, and Arhats of the seven treasures, vast enough to
fill the trichiliocosm, that person’s merit from making offerings to these f
our kinds of sages would not equal that of one who upholds this Dharma Flower
Master Hua: “Further, if a person made an offering to the Buddhas, great Bodh
isattvas, Pratyekabuddhas, and Arhats of the seven treasures of gold, silver,
vai ūrya, crystal, giant clam shell, red pearls, and carnelian, vast enough
to fill the trichiliocosm, that person’s merit from making offerings to these
four kinds of sages would not equal that of one who upholds this Dharma Flowe
r Sūtra. That person’s merit is insignificant compared to that of one who up
holds the Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sūtra, or even a single sentence or a four-li
ne verse of it, for the latter’s merit is greater by far. The text now prese
nts a series of ten analogies. ākyamuni Buddha calls out again, “Constella
tion King Flower, consider this example. Just as the ocean, the deepest and la
rgest body of water on earth, is foremost among all the bodies of water, inclu
ding streams and rivers, the Dharma Flower Sūtra is the most profound and the
greatest among all the sūtras taught by the Tathāgatas.”
*图片出处: 智慧之源

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