
楼主: sitifan   2013-09-07 13:29:16
An echo language is a language that doesn't use specific words for yes and
no, but rather restates the main verb of the question. Some echo languages do
have words for yes and no as well, but their usage is usually quite
restricted compared to non-echo languages. Echo languages include Mandarin,
Finnish, Latin and Welsh. An echo language is a language that doesn't use specific words for yes and
no, but rather restates the main verb of the question. Some echo languages do
have words for yes and no as well, but their usage is usually quite
restricted compared to non-echo languages. Echo languages include Mandarin,
Finnish, Latin and Welsh.
※ [本文转录自 Language 看板 #1HL_wR-O ]
作者: Tiunn (guesswho) 看板: Language
标题: [问题] 希腊文否定问句的回答
时间: Sun Mar 31 17:15:01 2013
1. 华语和日语:否定问句跟肯定问句有相反的回答。
2. 英语和希伯来语:否定问句跟肯定问句有相同的回答。
3. 法语和德语是第三种情形。
作者: Tiunn (guesswho)   2013-03-31 17:44:00
作者: wagor (宇宙大帝)   2013-04-01 18:32:00
http://aveneca.com/yesno.html 你可以在此找到所有答案。yes/no二种形式:英西义葡希,oui/non/si三种形式:德法丹瑞挪冰。yea/nay/yes/no四种形式:中世英语及罗马尼亚语。

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