今天我才学到新的CBA规范,Harry Giles III rule
A new provision on two-way contracts in the new CBA will informally be dubbed
the “Harry Giles III rule,” which will allow NBA players who sit out an
entire season not to have that year count toward the three-year maximum
service for two-way eligibility. In the previous CBA, a player with less than
four years of service was eligible to be signed on a two-way contract.
Initially, those same parameters were set to go unchanged in the new CBA.
Under the old guideline, Giles III wouldn’t have qualified for two-way
status entering the 2023-24 season because he had technically been on an NBA
roster for four seasons. However, he missed the entirety of his 2017-18
rookie season with the Sacramento Kings due to knee issues, and that season
officially counted as the first of his four years in the NBA.
所以2017-18被选进NBA,但因为伤病没出赛的Harry Giles III该年年资就不算进去。