Re: [问题] KOBE选秀顺位

楼主: SULICon (監工小學徒(〞︶〝*))   2016-07-16 19:15:33
※ 引述《guato (XOXO,GossipGirl)》之铭言:
: 爬文了一下,好像真的没有看到KOBE的球探报告,
: 于是顺手查了一下当时的KOBE,是有着什么样的特质呢?
: 原文:
: 简单节录与翻译(若有错误也请各位前辈纠正,会尽快更改):
: Name: Kobe Bryant
: College: Lower Merion HS
: Height: 6'6"
: Weight: 192
: Position: Shooting Guard
: Other Position: Point Guard
: Strengths: Maturity, finishing 心态成熟,得分能力
: Weaknesses: 17 years old!, ball handling 只有十七岁,掌控球的能力不好
: No Stats
: POOP (Scout: Jason Sean Fuiman )
: I played against and watched Kobe Bryant at Lower Merion and in summer
: leagues so I might know a little.
: 我(J.S Fuiman)跟KOBE打过球,所以对他有些了解。
: Strengths-
: Kobe's number one stregth is his maturity. He is a lot more
: mature than a lot of the college players and some NBA players as well.
: This is a huge asset because he isn't going into this without thinking
: like some people might think. Extremely intelligent player and student.
: Sees the floor very well because of his height and is an excellent
: finisher. Knows the game of basketball and what needs to be done to win
: (won the state championships without his point guard and top outside
: shooter). Is a true leader who often dominated games with triple teams
: most of the time. Can hit from three with accuracy (good %). Fierce
: competitor with a lot of determination. Played all 5 positions in high
: school so he can also work down low. Has perfected the turn around
: fall-away jumper (Jordan's tradmark) A lot of people think he doesn't
: like to lift to bulk up but he'll do whatever it takes to make it in the
: league.
: KOBE最大的长处是他的成熟度。他比大多数的大学球员,甚至是一些NBA球员还要成熟。
: 他不仅是极好的球员,也是很棒的学生(因该是讲他的学业成绩跟球技成正比)。
: 因为他的身高,所以可以将球场上的情况看得很清楚,所以也是一个很好的得分手。
: 可以解读比赛,知道该做什么来帮球队赢球(在球队没有主控与射手的情况下,
: 带领球队赢得州冠军)。他是个真正的球队领袖,即使常常面对三人包夹,
: 依旧可以主宰比赛。外线有不错的准头。不畏惧凶悍的防守者。因为高中打过五个位置,
: 所以也低位难不倒他。有着完美的转身后仰跳投(乔丹的注册商标)。
: 许多人认为他不喜欢做重量训练,但他会为了进入联盟而做必要的训练。
: Weaknesses-
: True, he is 17 (close to 18) which is huge but as his dad
: said "he's 17 going on 25". Has questionable ballhandling skills (to be
: a projected point guard). May not be ready for the rigors of the NBA life
: and does not have the body for it right now (although his father, ex-nba
: player, will be with him most of the time). Does not have a true
: position. Played all 5 in high school and didn't perfect any one of the
: five. Is very good at all 5 but not great.
: I project him just as everyone else going no lower than 12 or so and I
: wouldn't be suprised if he goes much higher. Don't everyone jump on me
: at once who read this but I read that the 76ers might be intersted in
: keeping him home. He practiced with them in the summer and they loved
: him. Even said they would draft him when he came out.
: 说实在的,他只有十七岁...而且他老爸还说,他还会发育到25岁。
: 对于被期待成为一个控球后卫,他对球的掌控能力不是很好。不是即战力。
: 对球队来说,他打的位置不是很确定。在高中虽然五个位置都打过,而且打得很好,
: 但,不是"非常好"...
: 我预测他最低会在第十二顺位被挑走,更高我也不会惊讶。消息指出七六人队爱他。
: MORE POOP(Scout: Owen P O'Malley)
: General Info:
: Led his team to the state championship, while
: averaging 30 ppg. He's currently 17 years old.
: 在他十七岁时率领球队夺德州冠军,场均30分。
: Comments:
: Has been compared to Grant Hill, but some scouts
: feel he doesn't have the ballhandling and shooting
: skills to be an effective guard.
: 对照组是GRANT HILL,但有些球探认为他没有控球及投射技巧,
: 所以不能成为有效率的后卫。
: Summary:
: He'll likely be a top 20 pick.
: 前二十顺位。
: (在此先感谢各位前辈指点,若有翻译不周延的地方,也请指教。)
不知道哪来的灵感,刚刚洗完澡突然想找 Kobe Bryant 当年的球探报告,
当然~google 的结果也是上面这位 Jason Sean Fuiman 所写的.不过,
人的资讯发现 ,他只是高中的时候跟 Kobe 比赛过
作者: LABOYS (洛城浪子)   2016-07-16 19:17:00
以前哪有那么好,每一个新秀影片剪好好传到网络上 XD
楼主: SULICon (監工小學徒(〞︶〝*))   2016-07-16 19:18:00
我的意思是 就算资讯再怎么不完整也不应该用这份吧XD这份球探报告是高中对手写的.....高中毕业生写的....
作者: LABOYS (洛城浪子)   2016-07-16 19:19:00
XDDD 其实他预测歪打正著还满准的
作者: Verlander35 (Justin Verlander 35 )   2016-07-16 19:22:00
作者: joey890916 (ChaCha23)   2016-07-16 19:30:00
作者: Solid4 (Pedot)   2016-07-16 19:42:00
作者: lakersPOYU (poyu)   2016-07-16 19:44:00
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2016-07-16 19:56:00
不怕失败 心理素质很强 但个性很固执
作者: YamagiN (海在森林中长大)   2016-07-16 20:00:00
在自我要求这方面的确满成熟的 不同面向啦
作者: bangch (BANG)   2016-07-16 20:02:00
心态差不多成熟没错啊 从高中到退休都没改变!XD
作者: tasiki2002 (反海巡兵j33xxxxx)   2016-07-16 21:29:00
所以像nba draft网站 都没有当年kobe的各项评分图吗?之前想找 可惜找不到@@
作者: LAKobeBryant (Forever Superstar)   2016-07-16 21:32:00
作者: kevinkobe24 (我是虫)   2016-07-16 22:15:00
作者: john7420 (john)   2016-07-16 22:54:00
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2016-07-17 00:55:00
可能那时想说:阿咧 没有球探看他比赛 找篇文唬弄过去
作者: timmyyeh (LOSER)   2016-07-17 02:05:00
作者: onlykana (ほのジュース)   2016-07-17 03:20:00
作者: rock0077 (TNK)   2016-07-17 06:16:00
作者: henbolei (小小雷)   2016-07-17 08:53:00
作者: theowing (La Dolce Vita)   2016-07-17 10:37:00
和大欧的矛盾我觉得很不意外 一个疯狂训练的偏执狂球痴遇到天生神力的MDE 两人的篮球哲学相差很多
作者: chandrian (Haliax)   2016-07-17 11:00:00
作者: newsboy3423 (送报生)   2016-07-17 11:15:00
还是会拆伙吧 个性差太多
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2016-07-17 11:47:00
作者: newsboy3423 (送报生)   2016-07-17 11:48:00

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