[外电] 四个骑士队要逆转可以从湖人汲取的建议

楼主: Anastalife (安钠斯)   2016-06-12 22:59:45
Four very serious adjustments the Cavaliers can take from the Lakers if they
want to beat the Warriors
By Harrison Faigen 2016/6/11
(本篇娱乐性质 请轻松看待)
March 6, 2016 is a day that will be forever remembered in the annals of NBA
history. On that glorious day, the worst Los Angeles Lakers team of all time
beat the team with the best regular season record in NBA history, the 73-9
Golden State Warriors. It was the biggest regular season upset of all time,
as according to the Washington Post, "a team with a winning percentage as
poor as that of the Lakers had never before defeated a team with winning
percentage as high as that of Golden State."
2016年3月6日 是一个在NBA历史上会被永远记得的日子
在这光荣的一天 史上最糟糕的湖人队 击败了NBA史上最佳季赛成绩
这也是在NBA季赛史上 最大的翻船
"从来没有一个胜率像湖人一样低的球队 赢过像胜率如勇士一样高的球队"
Did Los Angeles just get lucky? Maybe. Or maybe, just maybe, Byron Scott,
Kobe Bryant, and their young charges figured out the secret recipe to
knocking off one of the best teams ever. They must have had at least some
good stuff going, right?
湖人队只是幸运而已吗? 或许是
但也有可能...只是可能 难道Byron Scott, Kobe Bryant,还有其他年轻的球员
发现了如何打败这只最强球队的秘密吗? 其中一定是有什么有好事发生 不是吗?
As the Cleveland Cavaliers try to overcome a 3-1 series deficit, bring
long-suffering Cleveland the major sports championship that has seemingly
forever eluded it, and put an asterisk on the Dub's historic season, it's
time to look back to March and see what very serious strategic suggestions
the Lakers' upset can offer the Cavs as they look to complete their own.
骑士队如果想要度过一胜三败的困境 为这个城市带来久违的大赛冠军
是时候倒回到三月 看看湖人队的逆袭 可以为骑士队带来什么策略性的建议
Suggestion #1: Shoot better and hope the Warriors shoot worse
建议一:射准一点 然后期待勇士射不准
The Cavaliers have only made 31.5 percent of their threes in the NBA Finals
so far, which isn't great when they are taking 23.5 shots from their per game
(28 percent of their total field goals). The Warriors, meanwhile, have
knocked down 38.8 percent of their 32.3 three-point attempts per game in
their four Finals games so far. When you remember that three-pointers are
worth one more point than two-pointers, that math looks pretty bad for the
骑士队在总冠军赛只有31.5%的三分球命中率 以他们平均23.5次的出手数来说不是很好
而勇士队在他们平均32.3次的出手中 砍出了38.8%的命中率
你也知道三分总是比两分多一分 计算出来对骑士十分不利
They could take a lesson from the 3/6/16 Lakers, who not only managed to make
36 percent of their 25 three-point attempts, but they also "forced" the
Warriors to only convert 13.3 percent of their own threes, their worst
percentage from distance the entire season.
他们可以学学湖人当天 25次的三分球尝试中进了36%
而且还迫使勇士的三分球只得到13.3%的命中率 他们赛季最差的成绩
J.R. Smith has made 36 percent of his Cavs leading 6.3 threes per game in the
Finals so far, but LeBron James and Kyrie Irving are going to have to take a
lesson from D'Angelo Russell and Jordan Clarkson. The Lakers young guards
combined to make 50 percent of their 14 threes against the Warriors, while
James and Irving have only made 31.1 percent of their nine attempts per game.
J.R. Smith 在冠军赛有着每场6.3颗三分36%命中率的表现
但LeBron James 和Kyrie Irving必须要向D'Angelo Russell和Jordan Clarkson学学了
这两位年轻后卫一共轰了14颗三分 有着50%的命中率在对勇士的比赛
If the King wants another ring, he's going to have to take a lesson from the
Mini Splash BrothersTM (patent pending) and take and make more threes. Maybe
the next tip could help him.
如果詹皇想要得到他另一个戒指 他必须向小浪花兄弟学习 投进更多的三分
Suggestion #2: Man up
Coach of the Year snub Byron Scott revealed the adjustment he used to beat
the Warriors to the media after the game, and it was pretty simple:
年度最严厉教练Byron Scott在赛后对媒体秀出了他打倒勇士的好建议 很简单:
If challenging a team's manhood gets them to hold the Warriors to their worst
percentage on three-pointers all year despite giving up mostly open shots,
then it's a wonder more teams haven't tried it.
如果挑战一个队伍的男子气概 可以让他们锁住勇士
使其得到整季最差的三分球命中率 那为什么其他队伍不多试看看
On the flipside though, Draymond Green had a, ahem, pretty direct challenge
to LeBron's manhood during the Warriors' game four win and the Cavaliers
didn't respond so well, so maybe this solution requires a coach with the
motivational track record of Scott to implement. Maybe he has some spare time
in between going on every T.V. and/or radio show in existence to fly up to
Oakland and help out his old team.
从另一方面来说 Draymond Green恩... 在G4很直接的挑战了LeBron's的男子气概
而骑士并没有回应得很好 或许解决方法需要像有Scott这样记录的人去执行它
可以拨出一点空闲时间 飞去给他前东家一点帮助
Suggestion #3: Get Stephen Curry to see Deadpool at midnight before the next
three games
建议三:在下三场比赛前 揪Curry半夜去看死侍
Any movie would probably work, but the Cavaliers shouldn't take any chances
here and go with a strategy that has a proven record of success at getting
the Warriors best player to shoot horribly on a high volume of shots. Stephen
Curry made just one of his ten three-point attempts against the Lakers on
March 6th, which was his second-worst conversion rate from deep during the
entire season.
任何其他一部大概也可以 但骑士不应该冒险
3/6当天 Curry三分球只有10投1中 这是他整个赛季第二差的表现
While we can't be sure of the exact reason he turned into Mark Madsen from
deep, Silver Screen and Roll did confirm that Curry saw a midnight showing of
the movie "Deadpool" the night before the team played the Lakers. Curry
didn't get into his hotel until 3:30 a.m. the morning before a 12:30 p.m.
game, and so maybe simple fatigue is really the only way to shut down the
unanimous MVP. All the Cavs have to do is get him to do it three more times.
我们不能确定他会突然变成Mark Madsen的原因 但Silver Screen and Roll已经证实
直到3:30前还没回到他的旅馆 而比赛在下午12:30开打
所以 或许这就是唯一可以让全票MVP落赛的方法 骑士只需要再做三次就可以了
Deadpool is a pretty awesome movie, so that should be almost as easy as our
fourth completely serious tip.
死侍是一部还不错看的电影 所以执行上应该会跟我们第四个建议一样简单
Suggestion #4: Wear special Kobe socks
Kobe didn't play very well against the Warriors, but he thought some of his
old Mamba magic may have transferred to his teammates via their feet:
Kobe在对勇士那场比赛并没有打特别好 但他认为他的一些曼巴魔力
透过袜子 传到了他的队友身上
For those that forgot or are unaware, the Lakers wore these socks during
their win against the Warriors:
忘记或没注意到的人 湖人在对勇士的比赛中可是穿上了这些袜子打赢的
The Cavaliers may want to figure out if those socks are sold out yet, because
they may need to add them to their shopping cart along with a "Deadpool"
Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack before game five on Monday.
骑士可能想知道这些袜子售完了没 因为他们必须把它跟"死侍"DVD/蓝光
一起加到购物清单中 而且要赶在礼拜一G5之前
These tips may seem ridiculous, but when you are down 3-1 in the NBA Finals,
sometimes the ridiculous may be your best option.
这些秘诀可能看起来很荒谬 但当你处在总冠军3-1落后中
有时候荒谬的建议 可能也会是最好的建议
作者: mamba081024 (Love or Hate)   2016-06-12 23:10:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2016-06-12 23:11:00
作者: mightsnsd (might)   2016-06-12 23:12:00
作者: Verlander35 (Justin Verlander 35 )   2016-06-12 23:12:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2016-06-12 23:12:00
整个结论就是 祈祷跟用草人的概念?
作者: mightsnsd (might)   2016-06-12 23:13:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2016-06-12 23:13:00
勇士快结束吧 XD 我疼归建一值延后耶
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2016-06-12 23:17:00
目前看来 看魔兽?
作者: AngelNo13 (十三号天使)   2016-06-12 23:21:00
作者: Heimdallwind (Hermes)   2016-06-12 23:22:00
作者: crawford438 (Crawford)   2016-06-12 23:37:00
看到一 觉得这应该是在搞笑
作者: ginoc5566 (十八尖山下智久)   2016-06-12 23:38:00
只要得分比勇士多就能打赢了 加油!
作者: toast1521 (憨吉在那边憨)   2016-06-13 00:00:00
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2016-06-13 00:11:00
XDDD 如果要用湖人当范本去打勇士 那骑士真的没救了话说之前在说的XX年湖人打今年勇士 我觉得不用OK连线用Kobe+Gasol的二连霸湖人就能赢勇士了吧?
作者: AngelNo13 (十三号天使)   2016-06-13 00:15:00
人家好歹也是73胜的球队 老是xx年的xx队就能打赢也太看不起别人了XD
作者: spko (天道者/é­š)   2016-06-13 00:17:00
作者: bbolivier (BB)   2016-06-13 00:17:00
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2016-06-13 00:20:00
不过 先不说禁区 我觉得他们遇上巅峰KB还是有不少麻烦 K汤会扛不住吧也是 那年打太阳最后几场很惊险 不过湖人应该能一拼
作者: spko (天道者/é­š)   2016-06-13 00:22:00
作者: Heimdallwind (Hermes)   2016-06-13 00:22:00
作者: spko (天道者/é­š)   2016-06-13 00:23:00
作者: AngelNo13 (十三号天使)   2016-06-13 00:25:00
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2016-06-13 00:26:00
觉得应该还是要想办法打点Curry 如果是那时候的KB虽然不会像姆斯串联全队 但是体力条够长又能翻身跳投可
作者: AngelNo13 (十三号天使)   2016-06-13 00:27:00
我还要到01湖人才比较有可能 起码有无解的点
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2016-06-13 00:27:00
以一直打Curry这点 不会像今年勇士这样 他们会换方法
作者: zBen (無妄無災)   2016-06-13 00:29:00
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2016-06-13 00:31:00
01年就...我完全认为OK连线会赢 心目中最霸道的球队!
作者: bbolivier (BB)   2016-06-13 00:32:00
作者: carrothead (イズミ)   2016-06-13 00:39:00
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2016-06-13 00:43:00
作者: laidon (è³´è‘£)   2016-06-13 01:10:00
作者: richard1003 (Deep Blue )   2016-06-13 01:13:00
作者: ppccfvy (手心手背心肝宝贝)   2016-06-13 01:37:00
man up!!
作者: EngelF (EngelF)   2016-06-13 08:09:00
作者: guestooxx   2016-06-13 08:53:00
作者: LBJKO   2016-06-13 09:02:00
01大欧在禁区 勇士禁区两节会打完就犯规缠身了吧虽然湖人守挡拆出名的烂 但勇士看到大欧在禁区 也不太敢切入 大欧吓阻力比白边大更多吧~重点还有一海票老油条绿叶 守不住也搞毛你XDD
作者: chien955401 (chien)   2016-06-13 09:34:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2016-06-13 09:37:00
作者: Eonst (Eonst)   2016-06-13 09:37:00
作者: NinePi (呼呼)   2016-06-13 09:37:00
作者: LBJKO   2016-06-13 09:39:00
我觉得嘴率也没啥好哀的 他自找的 雷霆那系列没禁
作者: Eonst (Eonst)   2016-06-13 09:39:00
作者: bangch (BANG)   2016-06-13 09:40:00
雷霆那系列该禁啊 但是不是到骑士快输的时候才补禁啊XD
作者: GANZ (☠☻☺☂☁☑〒﹏¿⊙☎)   2016-06-13 09:49:00
姆斯跟骑士真是臭气相投 都爱在台面下搞些小动作
作者: bangch (BANG)   2016-06-13 09:52:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2016-06-13 09:54:00
其实更可怕的是 如果还是输了 LBJ会崩溃很久吧XDD
作者: bangch (BANG)   2016-06-13 10:04:00
我不想管他崩不崩溃啊 总冠军快打完然后Walton快来好吗~
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2016-06-13 10:57:00
作者: Verlander35 (Justin Verlander 35 )   2016-06-13 11:22:00
作者: newsboy3423 (送报生)   2016-06-13 11:27:00
作者: micbrimac (shark)   2016-06-13 11:46:00
想这么多 还是把对方球员直接禁赛比较快
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2016-06-13 11:51:00
就算g5赢了 g6又输的话大概会被吐槽到无极限XD
作者: blooddaemon   2016-06-13 11:58:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2016-06-13 12:01:00
为了我疼 勇士明天要赢阿!!! 我想看LBJ BG脸!!不过不知道kerr会变怎样调度真好奇
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2016-06-13 12:06:00
结果这篇文章没料到勒皇魔高一丈 败中求胜 xD
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2016-06-13 12:14:00
作者: godhand5 (Gunslinger)   2016-06-13 12:21:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2016-06-13 12:27:00
少了他 明天勇士篮板应该会被爆XDD
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2016-06-13 12:34:00
明天livingston跟ezeli barbosa应该会上久一点
作者: temujin (vic)   2016-06-13 12:53:00
可是通常被禁赛那队会放无双 太阳被禁赛一堆人也是赢马刺
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2016-06-13 12:55:00
少了嘴绿的协防 骑士应该能好好攻击禁区了 这次操作实在太明显= =
作者: Heimdallwind (Hermes)   2016-06-13 13:05:00
宣布禁赛前 他们就在抱怨攻击禁区都没哨音、联盟冠军赛放宽尺度就是要捧勇士 现在好了 没了嘴绿能得尝所愿了*偿
作者: bbolivier (BB)   2016-06-13 13:11:00
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2016-06-13 13:19:00
作者: Eonst (Eonst)   2016-06-13 13:28:00
作者: e761031 (喜乐的心乃是良药)   2016-06-13 13:32:00
作者: martinshi (栅园)   2016-06-13 13:42:00
哈哈哈 好酸好酸 XD
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2016-06-13 13:50:00
当初西决更该禁吧 联盟大概怕73胜没拿冠军没收视率
作者: GodTone (小肥航)   2016-06-13 13:58:00
联盟这样操作真的很难看 还要编一堆理由圆谎
作者: YamagiN (海在森林中长大)   2016-06-13 13:58:00
当年尼克打热火 禁赛人数多到得用轮的 然后就输了
作者: mark2326 (U质宅宅)   2016-06-13 14:07:00
10湖人打今年勇士不可能出现3-1领先情况下被逆转相较于雷霆 10湖人在心态上胜过雷霆ㄧ个档次
作者: holyhelm (老鹰 鸭霸 西米露)   2016-06-13 14:13:00
在那边闹 XDDDD
作者: mark2326 (U质宅宅)   2016-06-13 14:13:00
当年打太阳 没有赢很多 某种程度是轻视对手 过去湖人面对瞧不起的对手向来有骄兵心态跟面对强队时判若两队
作者: pistolpbruce (pistolpbruce)   2016-06-13 14:44:00
作者: temujin (vic)   2016-06-13 15:54:00
太阳被禁赛那场有赢啊 不过下一场可以出赛又输掉惹
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2016-06-13 16:02:00
作者: GANZ (☠☻☺☂☁☑〒﹏¿⊙☎)   2016-06-13 16:54:00
当年horry来台 还有阳迷说要去盖布袋 XDD 身高也先看一下
作者: temujin (vic)   2016-06-13 16:59:00
是我记错了 我一直以为G5太阳有赢 不过太阳G6反而输更多不过勇士板凳深度很够 还是看好明天勇士封王 luke快点回湖人打卡上班
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2016-06-13 17:31:00
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2016-06-13 17:34:00
勇士赶快赢一赢 放我们的帅哥华顿过来吧
作者: spko (天道者/é­š)   2016-06-13 18:55:00
这真的很有可能反而催出勇士的小宇宙来 XD
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2016-06-13 19:01:00
米粉头:绿血的精神由我来承接!!! 我来把LBJ弄出场XDD
作者: v00001 (猫)   2016-06-13 21:28:00
作者: bangch (BANG)   2016-06-14 09:30:00
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2016-06-14 11:40:00
勇士惨喔 我下场用力赌勇士
作者: newsboy3423 (送报生)   2016-06-14 11:43:00
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2016-06-14 11:43:00
勇士好像这场又伤了Bogut 加上Curry传说中的肩伤…
作者: Eonst (Eonst)   2016-06-14 11:44:00
作者: newsboy3423 (送报生)   2016-06-14 11:49:00
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2016-06-14 11:50:00
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2016-06-14 12:08:00
嘴绿的协防能力这场看下来就知道差多少 今天KI神上身
作者: louis13585 (路路路)   2016-06-14 12:25:00
少追梦绿真的很伤 然后今天lbj 和ki又同场发威
作者: ToBeGentle (没事找事(m))   2016-06-15 09:51:00
作者: bangch (BANG)   2016-06-15 10:01:00
有榜眼后我也不想要HB了 不需要2000万买天份但是Walton会不会想把HB带来就不知道了
作者: gordon27 (蓝星人1号)   2016-06-15 11:22:00
Walton对HB有一定的了解 真要抢一定会先问过他意见

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