“I don’t really know who is available, but I like the kid Thon Maker. I
guess he’s going to be a superstar.”
只有这句是MWP说的,他"猜"Thon Maker有潜力成为明星
Of course, World Peace isn’t exactly a draft expert, but ESPN’s Chad Ford
is, and it seems as though he would agree with Metta’s choice. Ford recently
visited a workout session that Maker was involved in and noted that he shot
well on threes while displaying great mobility. Given the Lakers’ current
lineup with Julius Randle at power forward, Maker could be the rim-protecting
shooter that the team needs at the center position.
后面是ESPN专栏作家,兼BYUH的助理教练Chad Ford,也同意MWP的选择; 他看过Maker