After taking the job to become the new head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers,
Luke Walton will have quite a challenge ahead of him as he tries to turn
things around for the storied franchise. Although there's no telling whether
the Lakers will be to upgrade the roster through free agency this summer or
if they'll even be able to retain their lottery pick, Walton does have a few
talented young players already on the roster.
接下了湖人队总教练一职后 Walton对于如何翻转这只传说球队 面临很大的挑战
Point guard D'Angelo Russell had his ups and downs during his rookie season
with the Lakers, but the Ohio State product showed flashes of his potential
in his first year in Los Angeles, and Walton believes the 20-year-old has a
bright future ahead.
控球后卫D'Angelo Russell在他的菜鸟年表现 有时起有时落
Walton thinks Russell can become one of the better guards in this league and
sees his point guard becoming a regular at the NBA All-Star Game, via Mike
Bresnahan of the L.A. Times:
L.A. Times的Mike Bresnahan在推特中引述Walton的话
后者认为Russell可以成为联盟最好后卫之一 进而为明星赛的常客
Russell is considered to be an important part of the team's rebuilding
efforts along with Julius Randle and Jordan Clarkson. The Lakers brass made a
bold move in drafting the former Buckeye with the second overall pick last
year rather than going with the safe bet in Duke's Jahlil Okafor.
Russell以及连带Julius Randle,Jordan Clarkson都被视为是湖人队重建重要的一环
用榜眼签选了来自Buckeye的他 而不是选杜克的安全牌 Jahlil Okafor
Although the Lakers were praised for their decision to go with a guard in a
guard-driven league, it remains to be seen whether the move will eventually
pay off. Russell is talented and appears to have some leadership qualities,
but he was inconsistent and left some doubt about whether he can live up to
虽然在控卫当道的联盟中 湖人还是获得了赞赏
Russell有天分 也有一些的领袖特质 但对他是否能达到期待还是有些质疑跟异议
In 80 games, Russell averaged 13.2 points, 3.4 rebounds, and 3.3 assists per
game while shooting 41.0 percent from the floor and 35.1 from beyond the arc.
The rookie started in 48 of the 80 games he played with Byron Scott taking
Russell and Randle out of the starting lineup early in the season before
inserting them both players back in later in the year.
在80场比赛中 Russell平均13.2分 3.4篮板 3.3助攻 命中率41.0% 三分球35.1%
其中48场比赛中 总教练Byron Scott把Russell and Randle排除出先发名单
It'll be interesting to see how Walton uses Russell next season and what
players head to Los Angeles through the draft and free agency that might
impact playing time or a potential role change.
值得观察的是 下一赛季Walton将会用什么方法使用Russell
而湖人在自由市场或抽签中得到的新球员 也可能会影响他的上场时间或改变场上的功能
作者: ginoc5566 (十八尖山下智久) 2016-05-03 21:47:00
如果有合适的体系 还是可以让dlo 打出明星赛后的那种数据的
Aroe 2016-05-03 22:31:00Perennial
EchobQ (耳机少年)
2016-05-04 00:11:00也可能是因为三角讲求落位阵地,背离现今篮球趋势
Kreen (æ¯å¤©è¦æ›´å„ªç§€ä¸€é»ž)
2016-05-04 00:13:00Walton 是说人不适合,不然一样这么讲究 read & react 也没什么不适合现代篮球趋势,有些元素也是到处都拿去用。
了解概念就好 很多套概念本来就很像其实打最简单的挡差起手后 前锋居中策应 看要上还要传我觉得就很适合湖人了 当然前面应该会在有一些交叉掩护之类 连阿拓最近都在打这个 Plulee也越打越好
作者: kobegary (湖人队卖闹啦!!!) 2016-05-04 00:38:00
其实他表现不太稳定是在偷拍前几场就已经中断连续20+当时偷拍事件出来后 还想说看他被大批斗后能不能一夜白发 皮绷紧点 然后就因此迅速成长 再来个连续20+但是没有..
steven610381 (Keiko Kitagawa is mine.)
2016-05-04 16:10:00完全不看好 过不了人的后卫
guato (方头狮)
2016-05-04 17:10:00魔术也过不了人 ...
WSnipes (正向思考)
2016-05-04 17:43:00魔术过不了人?
YamagiN (海在森林中长大)
2016-05-04 20:27:00应该说这几个都不是用第一步在过人的