Serena Winters @SerenaWinters8分8分钟前
Robert Sacre: "I don't know man, it just sucks. We lost. We can't be tricking
games off like this."
Serena Winters @SerenaWinters8分8分钟前
Nick Young: "We can't just keep saying we're fighting. We've got to try to get
Nick Young:我们不能一直嘴上说说我们都在努力,我们需要用实际行动去证明。
Serena Winters @SerenaWinters7分7分钟前
Nick Young on poor shooting: "For me, just continue to do the same thing. You
don't know you're really off until you go 0 for 10."
Nick Young谈糟糕的投篮表现:我还是会一如既往的做自己在场上做的事情。
Serena Winters @SerenaWinters6分6分钟前
Byron Scott: "I though we just played not to lose. We were on our heels, look
like we were just scared."
Byron Scott:我们今天的比赛只是为了不输球而打。一直紧紧咬住比分却没有突破,感
Serena Winters @SerenaWinters7分7分钟前
Byron Scott on discussion of Lakers tanking on Twitter: "I don't give a damn a
bout Twitter."
Byron Scott对于Twitter上面大谈摆烂发表看法:我对Twitter毫不关心。
Johnny Navarrette @jnavsports6分6分钟前
Jordan Clarkson is the youngest Laker to have at least 14 pts, 6 assists, and
4 steals since Kobe in 2001
Jordan Clarkson是自从2001年的科比以来,湖人当中最年轻的获得14分6助攻外加4抄截
Bill Oram @billoram5分5分钟前
Byron Scott on Nick Young: "Just couldn’t make a shot. That’s the bottomline
, he couldn’t make a shot."
Byron Scott谈Nick Young:一球都投不进,没什么其他好说的。
Serena Winters @SerenaWinters2分2分钟前
Byron Scott on R. Kells performance: "That's the Ryan Kelly we've been waiting
Byron Scott谈Kelly:今天他打出了我所期待的表现。
Serena Winters @SerenaWinters51秒51秒钟前
Jeremy Lin: "We've got to find ways to keep the ball movement, not panic when
the pressure gets turned up."