Eric Pincus:
Lakers very likely need to renounce Gasol to make the Lin
trade happen - timing is vital for Rockets - LA can do S&T
of Pau first before Lin
Because Pau takes up around $20 mil in cap space - Lakers
can't just trade for Lin with room - w/o Pau's number
Issue is - if Lakers are to S&T Pau Gasol out to another
team - need to do so before they renounce his rights - so
likely before a Lin deal
湖人也可以 S&T Pau,不过这必须发生在Lin的交易前。
so - completely going by the math - not a rumor - if Lakers
sent Nash to Philly with Rox pick - that would clear Nash
and up to $23.7 mil
Mark Medina:
Lakers also sense Chicago & NY are teams left standing for
Melo. But Melo/reps haven't told Lakers they're out. So they'll
keep waiting