Kendall Marshall Gets Mistaken for a Lakers Fan at a Sandwich Shop Kendall Marshall signed with the Los Angeles Lakers back in December and started in over half of their games in the regular season. Regardless of his recent NBA success—Marshall averaged close to a double-double with 8.0 points and 8.8 assists per game in 2013-14—the point guard can still go out in public without being recognized. As he mentions in this Vine video, a worker at a "Jersey Mikes" sandwich shop saw him wearing Lakers gear and assumed he was a fan of the Purple and Gold. It's probably a weird feeling for Marshall considering he was a star player at the University of North Carolina, but it's clear that he's taking his under-the-radar celebrity status seriously. 砍豆去年12月和球队签约之后,本球季平均可以拿下接近双十的8分和8.8助攻。 不过他最近在vine上传一段影片,内容是去Jersey Mikes三明治店买东西, 他穿着一件湖人练习衣,店员居然当做他只是个一般的湖人球迷 砍豆是北卡的明星球员,加州现实生活却没被认出来