以下复制自 https://www.tug.org/texlive/
Plan for TeX Live 2014:
16mar: sources committed, builds begin.
17apr: tlnet (and TL'13) frozen, tlpretest starts, CTAN updates continue there.
16may: complete code freeze for final build.
21may: final updates from CTAN, final doc tweaks.
23may: deliver TL image for TeX Collection packaging/testing.
1jun: deliver TeX Collection DVD to manufacturing.
1jul: public release (also of MacTeX).
August?: delivery of DVDs to members.
目前TeX Live 2013(包括MacTeX)的线上更新已经冻结。
- 更新各引擎
- 移出CJK相关套件、字体至额外语言套件
- MacTeX不包括ghostscript及2013版前默认安装的字体
看来,TeX Live已经开始计画著瘦身了。