[外絮] 两则林书豪在上一场的表现

楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2015-12-01 16:46:43
官网at the hive: http://tinyurl.com/j9plu6n (仅节录跟林书豪有关的)
Jeremy Lin had a nice performance despite missing a couple open shots,
helping to move the ball, especially late in the first quarter when the
Hornets faced their biggest deficit of the game. He'll need to start shooting
more efficiently for him to warrant extra playing time (without an injury to
a backcourt player), but the second unit has been ganging up on opposing
teams all year, and Lin's a big reason why.
纵然林书豪没能投进几颗open shots, 他今天还是有好表现, 他帮忙让球流转的顺畅, 特
别是上半场后段当黄蜂遇上该场比赛最大的落后时. 但该说的还是得说, 林书豪将会需要
更有效率的出手, 好让他能获得更多的上场时间; 黄蜂的第二阵容已经成为让对手不容小
觑的队伍, 而林书豪就是第二阵容如此好的最大原因
Jeremy Lin the Difference Between Winning & Losing
输赢之间, 不同的林书豪 http://tinyurl.com/ovfv8vp
The Charlotte Hornets beating the Milwaukee Bucks 87-82 was achieved in part
due to Jeremy Lin having a fantastic first half to carry the team to a lead
they wouldn’t let go of, although his fourth quarter will be another one
that won’t show his contribution on the box score, getting taken off just
before the finish.
上一场黄蜂能以87-82击败公鹿, 有部分得归功于林书豪上半场推动球队攻势的努力, 他
打得相当出色让黄蜂得以保有领先的优势, 虽然他第四节做的贡献不是那种能在box上看
出来的, 但还是重要到让教练一直将他摆在场上直到最后两分多钟才让他下场
Lin finished with 7 points in 22 minutes, shooting just 1-of-4 from the field
and adding 3 rebounds and 4 assists. He once again played excellent defense
and his ability to get the team running to cancel out the Bucks’ very good
defense in the first half was the reason the Hornets could control the game
in the second half with the lead on their side. Lin missed shots in the
second half and didn’t get to the line; his shooting is certainly an issue
to be worried about right now. But he does so much more for this team during
his minutes.
该场林书豪上场22分钟4投1中拿下7分3篮板4助攻, 再一次的林书豪打出相当出色的防守
, 并帮助球队在上半场冲破公鹿当时极好的防守, 他的努力就是黄蜂得以在下半场掌握
球赛主导权的原因; 下半场林错失了几次出手, 也没能站上罚球线, 现在他的跳投成了
一项隐忧, 但在有上场的时间里他还是替球队获胜做出了许多正面的贡献
Lin was taken off the floor for good with 2:08 left in the game, with the
Hornets leading by four points. Guess what happened? They lost the lead, with
Kemba Walker and Nicolas Batum missing three times in one possession. When
the game was tied, the Hornets finally managed to pull away on a Batum
3-pointer and Walker finishing the job as the Bucks defense looked confused
about who to defend. Walker led the Hornets with 22 points, Batum scored 15
on another bad shooting night (4-of-13 from the field).
终场前2:08黄蜂领先4分, 林书豪被换下场, 马上领先的分数就如梦幻泡影般没了, 直到
Compared to the previous games, Lin staying on the floor for most of the
fourth quarter is an improvement, and he finished the game with a +10, behind
only Frank Kaminsky and Jeremy Lamb, who Lin helped get going in the second
quarter, doing the same for other players. Lamb works at his best with Lin
finding him on open slots around the perimeter or behind defenses, finishing
with 14 points. He looks a lot less effective with Batum and Walker playing
with him on the perimeter, both of them slightly eating into his territory
and not being the passers Lin is.
跟前几场相比, 这场球林书豪也几乎打满了第四节, 真是令人欣慰的进步啊~ 最终他有着
+10的正负值只比Kaminsky跟Lamb少, Lamb的许多出手机会是林创造出来的, 他也在跟林
书豪搭配时表现得最好, 跟Batum以及Walker同在场上时打的就没那样有效率
But again, why did Clifford take off Lin? He missed three shots, something
that happens. He didn’t take poor shots and maybe more importantly,
considering how Clifford seems to work, he didn’t turn the ball over. The
Hornets almost immediately become a worse team once Lin leaves the game, even
if he isn’t having a good shooting day. Lin isn’t the kind of player to try
and shoot himself out of a slump. For better and worse (sometimes you need to
be selfish), Lin usually gets himself going by creating opportunities for
others, and in the last season or two, through defense as well.
那为什么Clifford最后关头把林书豪换下场呢? 因为林miss了三次跳投; 但林并没有出现
糟糕的出手选择啊, 更重要的是他没有任何失误. 纵使林书豪该场比赛手感不佳, 黄蜂还
是在林书豪下场后马上level down了一级. 林书豪不是那种手感差时会一直出手让自己
手感投到热的球员, 不管怎样, (有时候你需要自私些)他通常都是那种替队友创造机会为
优先的人, 前一两季他也会透过用防守来帮助球队跟队友
Lin hitting a three is encouraging considering his shooting numbers lately
(only 37.5% from the field in the last nine games) and he should be trying a
little bit more to get to the basket, which usually helps him get hotter for
the longer shots, but once again, in the short time he was on the floor
compared to others, he showed what an invaluable piece of the puzzle he is,
even when he’s not scoring. Unlike Walker and Batum, he’s not hurting the
team when he’s having a bad shooting day.
林书豪这场终于命中三分了, 可喜可贺啊~ 因为他进来的出手命中率很惨, 近九场37.5%
, 他应该试着更加去挑战篮框, 这通常也能让他在外围投射的手感更好些. 但在此我要
再次强调一下, 林书豪在场上时他的确展现出他不可或缺的价值, 即使不透过出手攻击也
是, 他跟Batum或Walker不同, 林书豪即使当天手感不佳也不会因此对球队造成伤害
楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2014-12-01 16:46:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪20分, Curry五颗三分~对准喔
作者: okderla (ok的啦)   2015-12-01 16:50:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪18分, Curry3颗三分~
作者: natsuki123 (夏树)   2015-12-01 16:51:00
Let's rain heavily!书豪17分,Curry6颗三分,颗颗噗
作者: jamesyu545   2015-12-01 16:52:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪28分, Curry六颗三分
作者: BadGame (人生 欢乐易忘却执著痛苦)   2015-12-01 16:53:00
没提到 林第四节做了公鹿4次犯规吗 差一个就可以加罚
楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2015-12-01 16:54:00
作者: boss5555   2015-12-01 16:55:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪17分, Curry4颗三分~
作者: gidapops (你今天兄弟了没)   2015-12-01 16:56:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪38分, Curry一颗三分~颗颗噗
作者: wailman (魏尔曼)   2015-12-01 16:58:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分, Curry2颗三分~
作者: eileen86 (兜圈)   2015-12-01 17:03:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分, Curry5颗三分~
作者: supisces (被~~~切~~~八~~~段)   2015-12-01 17:06:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪8分, Curry三颗三分~
作者: lostt (事不过三!)   2015-12-01 17:09:00
作者: daisyyeh   2015-12-01 17:14:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪16分, Curry四颗三分~颗颗噗
作者: foxey (痴呆小咖)   2015-12-01 17:15:00
sometimes you need to be selfish这句已经在暗点了耶说真的自己没威胁性没法帮队友创造出什么好机会的...
作者: qwerty789 (键盘789)   2015-12-01 17:19:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪9分, Curry4颗三分~
作者: mayfate (孜孜)   2015-12-01 17:21:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪28分, Curry6颗三分~
作者: p800917 (喜德)   2015-12-01 17:22:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪17分, Curry5颗三分~
作者: windband64   2015-12-01 17:23:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪14分, Curry6颗三分~
作者: conqueror507 (冷箭)   2015-12-01 17:24:00
Let's rain heavily!林书豪38分 Curry 四颗三分
作者: HarryHTC (Harry)   2015-12-01 17:24:00
let's rain heavily! 书豪25分 curry一颗三分~
作者: turbomons (Τ/taʊ/)   2015-12-01 17:25:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪22分, Curry3颗三分~颗颗噗
作者: heroro (肉肉)   2015-12-01 17:32:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪13分, Curry五颗三分~
作者: gigajan   2015-12-01 17:32:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪14分, Curry五颗三分~
作者: chenyy0128 (chenyy)   2015-12-01 17:35:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪14分, Curry4颗三分
作者: ghostxx (aka0978)   2015-12-01 17:35:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪26分, Curry4颗三分~
作者: puppethan (决心才是关键)   2015-12-01 17:36:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪20分, Curry五颗三分
作者: grayoasis (grayoasis)   2015-12-01 17:45:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪13分, Curry6颗三分~
作者: clover1524   2015-12-01 17:46:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪21分, Curry五颗三分~
作者: q0ooo0p (星星)   2015-12-01 17:49:00
Let's rain heavily!书豪13分,Curry6颗三分,颗颗噗
作者: wylscott (林 佳树)   2015-12-01 17:52:00
Let's rain heavily!书豪15分,Curry5颗三分,颗颗噗
作者: b551122 (工友)   2015-12-01 17:57:00
纯推 林加油!!
作者: w7236126   2015-12-01 18:03:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪13分, Curry4颗三分~
作者: goodzoro (绿茶好喝)   2015-12-01 18:03:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分,Curry四颗三分~
作者: o761117 (klay)   2015-12-01 18:09:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪14分, Curry四颗三分~
作者: Werth (鬍某)   2015-12-01 18:22:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪16分, Curry五颗三分~
作者: boyd1014 (David)   2015-12-01 18:33:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分, Curry五颗三分~
作者: ld55 (张老爹)   2015-12-01 18:36:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪14分, Curry7颗三分~
作者: donnylee (制服OL控)   2015-12-01 18:42:00
作者: dongdingding (ding)   2015-12-01 18:49:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪30分, Curry10颗三分~
作者: lisunlo   2015-12-01 18:55:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪17分, Curry7颗三分~
作者: parkblack (肉肉的)   2015-12-01 18:59:00
Let's rain heavily. lin 38分 curry 7颗三分
作者: gold97972000 (Miyanaga Saki)   2015-12-01 19:00:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪12分, Curry4颗三分~Curry7颗三分是要让黄蜂被杀爆吗? 不行不行 Curry只能4颗三分~~~~~
作者: jeffac317 (莫名)   2015-12-01 19:06:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪18分, Curry六颗三分~
作者: antidark   2015-12-01 19:19:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分, Curry四颗三分
作者: yoyo719719 (猴猴)   2015-12-01 19:43:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪18分, Curry4颗三分~
作者: nivanar (小强)   2015-12-01 19:45:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪11分, Curry六颗三分~
作者: KBvm3   2015-12-01 19:45:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分,Curry5颗三分球
作者: chinhsi (有些事是要看天份的)   2015-12-01 19:51:00
书豪6分, Curry六颗三分~
作者: c16 (慢钟)   2015-12-01 20:26:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪13分, Curry五颗三分~
作者: Hildebrandt (music)   2015-12-01 20:29:00
哇 黄蜂的媒体好中肯!但该说的还是得说 林你该听的还是要听啊!
作者: casman (卡)   2015-12-01 20:29:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分, Curry三颗三分~
作者: leonardo7788 (李奥纳多皮卡丘)   2015-12-01 20:34:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪21分, Curry3颗三分~
作者: dragon007 (死一六哼哼)   2015-12-01 20:56:00
作者: Tianmu (TianMu)   2015-12-01 21:14:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪22分, Curry4颗三分~
作者: wuling1001 (加油ㄚ!!)   2015-12-01 21:32:00
感谢翻译! 雨会下在哪边呢?
作者: aabb177 (aabb177)   2015-12-01 21:33:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪17分, Curry6颗三分
作者: honadan   2015-12-01 21:39:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分, Curry6颗三分~
作者: TimeEngine (~(阿飞)~)   2015-12-01 21:49:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪17分, Curry五颗三分~
作者: shanlue (shan)   2015-12-01 22:02:00
书豪17分, Curry三颗三分~
作者: chikong   2015-12-01 22:18:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪12分, Curry五颗三分~~
作者: leehow0621 (猪)   2015-12-01 22:19:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪14分,Curry两颗三分~
作者: NgJovi (Solo NG MyFriend)   2015-12-01 22:34:00
谢谢翻译 版大好用心 !!Let's rain heavily! 书豪21分, Curry5颗三分~ 火拼了阿
作者: jer0905 (大叔)   2015-12-01 22:39:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪20分, Curry五颗三分~
作者: jt   2015-12-01 22:41:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪18分, Curry4颗三分
作者: wuling1001 (加油ㄚ!!)   2015-12-01 22:44:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪17分, Curry7颗三分~
作者: n191510n (莫忘初衷)   2015-12-01 22:44:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分, Curry五颗三分~
作者: wuling1001 (加油ㄚ!!)   2015-12-01 22:46:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪22分, Curry7颗三分~ 改这个第一次猜的请帮我删掉~ 谢谢> <
作者: justinku (水果猫)   2015-12-01 22:53:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪18分, Curry4颗三分
作者: john0921401 (约翰地震)   2015-12-01 23:08:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分, Curry五颗5分~Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分, Curry6颗三分~
作者: h366399500 (Lin)   2015-12-01 23:10:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪13分, Curry五颗五分Let's rain heavily! 书豪13分, Curry五颗三分
作者: luvya (反过来走走)   2015-12-01 23:20:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪15分, Curry6颗三分
作者: ptt1688 (乾豆腐壞的)   2015-12-01 23:28:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪19分, Curry6颗三分
作者: killer113 (无流)   2015-12-01 23:38:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪38分, Curry5颗三分
作者: husir (husir)   2015-12-01 23:43:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪12分, Curry7颗三分~
作者: kogoangel (小莫)   2015-12-01 23:49:00
推 boss5555: 7楼 12/01 16:55 Let's rain heavily!let's rain heavily! 书豪16分,Curry4颗三分~
作者: jason7881788 (jason )   2015-12-02 00:52:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪20分, Curry五颗三分~对准喔
作者: iu321 (Do You Ever Shine?)   2015-12-02 00:59:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪14分, Curry三颗三分~颗颗噗
作者: jonah1220 (树大必有枯枝)   2015-12-02 01:29:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪16分, Curry四颗三分
作者: weigang ( )   2015-12-02 07:45:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪9分, Curry四颗三分
作者: uvl (睡不着~~)   2015-12-02 09:15:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪17分, Curry四颗三分~对准喔
作者: James23 (天天)   2015-12-02 12:29:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪13分, Curry 四颗三分 颗颗噗
作者: toyyong (持久啊啊啊)   2015-12-02 12:46:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪22分, Curry六颗三分~
作者: kkk22805385 (Butterlion)   2015-12-02 16:58:00
下一场没上 全G
作者: flow1978 (Abdiel)   2015-12-02 19:33:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪12分, Curry5颗三分~
作者: momber (25y还在十字路口)   2015-12-03 00:09:00
Let's rain heavily! 书豪13分, Curry六颗三分~

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