taweiyang (this is it)
2015-01-19 01:30:24原文网址 http://ppt.cc/CT4m
自己以前是打球队的 也看NBA很久了
说实话 不管是Kobe或老普我都不讨厌
相反地 在球场上 对于这种展现出求胜心跟拼劲的球员
我想没有人会不喜欢 因为那是一种很有感染力的特质
我尽量就原文忠实呈现 不带任何个人批评 希望有心人士不要引战
明天没有比赛 这篇Greg的新文章 大家就看看吧...
Los Angeles Lakers – Jeremy Lin Can Benefit From Kobe Bryant Shutting Down
洛杉矶湖人队 ─ Kobe关机 林能获益
This season has been a disappointment so far for Jeremy Lin. Not just his
fluctuating ability, which is partially his fault as well, but once again
falling into a situation with a coach that doesn’t believe in him and
playing next to a shooting guard that isn’t as good as he thinks he is.
Lin and Bryant don’t co-exist. Bryant wants the ball in his hand, and Lin
needs it there too. This is the Los Angeles Lakers organization we’re
talking about, so it’s not surprising to see the one getting the more
touches and more credit. Byron Scott at some point decided on benching Jeremy
Lin, and has no plan of promoting him unless Bryant is shut down or resting.
The start against the Utah Jazz showed Lin isn’t exactly benefiting from
being ignored by the coach.
How is he ignored? Because Lin is the only one losing minutes if he doesn’t
play well in his backcourt. Ronnie Price gets minutes although he’s overall
an awful player – or at least not on the NBA starting and significant backup
caliber. Kobe Bryant? Untouchable. Lin? He can have good, excellent games in
which he’s the main factor in a victory followed by getting only 16 minutes
off the bench despite once again being the best player in those minutes.
时间,虽然他整体来说是个糟糕的球员 ─ 或至少不是NBA先发与重要替补的水准。
So is it surprising to see him lacking confidence and looking confused with
what his role is even when he does get the start? I’m not sure Scott knows
what he wants to do, let alone actually what to do, with this team. Are the
Lakers tanking? Are they trying to get better? Are they looking for a trade
to improve their cap situation even more heading into next season? Nothing is
clear. There is just one constant: Kobe Bryant is here for one more season in
which he’ll remain the highest paid player in the NBA.
I despise tanking, and I hate the idea of a player fans pay tickets to see,
regardless of how actually good he is, and that the franchise is paying $24
million a season for his services, gets shut down. It’ll be the second
consecutive season it happens. Why not do it now if the Lakers are so worried
about his health? They’re not going to make the playoffs, and Bryant’s
basketball on most nights isn’t actually helping his team win games.
Is it bad or good that Bryant doesn’t play? As long as Bryant refuses to
change, it’s actually beneficial to have him off the court. Bryant has had
games with the right balance of passing and shooting, but those are quite
rare. The thing about Bryant is that he’s not getting better. Think he’s
not giving the Lakers their money’s worth this season? Just wait until he
tries to be the Bryant of 2000′s when he’s a year older. Maybe then he’ll
change. Jeremy Lin will probably be long gone by then.
In the meantime… It’s once again Lin in the hands of a coach who prefers
giving others confidence, credit and minutes. We’ve said it at least a dozen
times this season: Lin often needs to make more of the opportunities he gets.
Be more confident and even selfish. But he’s made of substance. The team
comes first, no matter how little part of this team regards him. He has half
a season to do well enough to put himself in a good position heading into
free agency. It might be out of character for him, but considering where the
Lakers are right now, that should be his top priority.
版上大家都很关心林 每天都有很多讨论
我们能做的就是看他比赛 为他加油 并且静待机会来临