[外絮] Kobe at his Worst, JLin Still Ignored

楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2015-01-15 12:49:56
Kobe Bryant at his Worst, Jeremy Lin Still Ignored http://tinyurl.com/mlferu5
老科打的烂透了, 但林书豪却仍然被忽视
The Los Angeles Lakers don’t change. Byron Scott is still a bad coach, Kobe
Bryant continues to shoot like there’s no tomorrow even though he’s
bricking almost everything coming out of his hands, costing his team another
game in a 78-75 loss to the Miami Heat while Jeremy Lin plays well in the
very short amount of time he was actually on the court.
湖人还是那支湖人队一点也没变, 败总也仍然是位很烂的教练, 老科比像那位得了狂犬病
的北京朋友一样持续的像没有明天的一直射一直射, 尽管他的双手几乎搞砸了所有事情,
当林书豪在他仅有不多的上场时间中表现出色, Kobe还是让湖人付出了惨痛的输球代价
It’s always incredible to watch a player like Kobe Bryant doing so badly yet
insisting on trying the same thing over and over again, and actually seem
surprised when it doesn’t work. Bryant shot 3-of-19 from the field in an
awful performance, this time using the excuse of resting too much or not
playing regular minutes as the reason for him looking so bad. Maybe actually
giving up on some shots, including the final one which was a way too long
pull up 3-pointer for someone with weak legs, would have yielded better
每次看到Kobe这样滥投都还是会让人觉得不可思议啊, Kobe像只壁蝨狠咬著寄主皮肤死死
不放般的坚持一次次的尝试出手跳投, 然后又对屡投不进显露出惊讶的表情, 他这场19投
仅3中, 而这次Kobe的借口呢, 是休息太久的关系~
Bryant refuses to admit that he’s simply not a very good shooter anymore. He
wasn’t the only one hogging the ball and getting nothing from his jumper, as
Nick Young shot just 2-of-11 from the bench. But Bryant is the one playing
more minutes and causing more damage. Instead of focusing on the something of
a point guard, distributor role which fits him a lot more these days, he
keeps trying to show he can score like in the good old days, which seem very
far away by now.
Kobe拒绝承认现在的他已经不在是从前那位出色的射手了, 除了Kobe, 老尖也霸了很多球
权, 这场老尖11中2, 但Kobe却是那唯一一位打了较多时间并且对球队造成更多伤害的人,
在专心当控卫之外, 他还持续试着想让大家知道他仍然能像从前那样得分, 但越看越伤心
, 因为美人迟暮霸王屌软, 回不去了
The problem? Bryant will have a good scoring night once in a while and will
think that it actually proves he’s being helpful, while in the long run,
allowing him to take so many shots is hurting this team’s chances of having
a more decent season. Lin played only 16 minutes, scored 7 points and was
once again at the head of the better unit or lineup, whatever you prefer to
call it. But on the Lakers, it’s about what your name is, not how well you’
re playing.
问题在于这样长久一直滥投下去, Kobe总会有一场命中率高的比赛, 到时他就又能拿来说
嘴, 说他的身手还是能对球队带来帮助的, 但在此之前, 他这样乱搞已经对球队造成无法
弥补的巨大伤害了. 林书豪这场只打了16分钟拿下7分表现全队最好, 但对湖人来说, 重
点不是你的表现, 而是你的名字你是谁
Byron Scott seems more and more like someone who has it in for Lin for some
reason. Why did he play just 16 minutes, despite having the best +/- in the
game? Only Scott knows. The second unit, not for the first time, outplayed
the lineup in more than one way, yet Scott continues to stick to his guns,
which means allowing Bryant to do whatever he wants on the floor while Ronnie
Price got to be in on the action in crunch time instead of Lin for some
warped reason no one can understand.
败总看来越来越像对林书豪有着某些成见的某人, 为什么林书豪这场只打了16分钟? 即使
他有着全队最高的正负值? 这答案恐怕只有败总自己晓得. 湖人的替补阵容再一次的在各
方面都表现的比先发们好, 可是败总仍死握着他的枪他的盘算, 让Kobe上场为所欲为, 让
There’s the theory of the Lakers trying to tank. But playing Kobe Bryant =
tanking? It’s hard to believe that Scott actually thinks that way. But the
numbers and what we see on the court matches the theory that the Lakers are
giving more useful players less minutes time and time again. Not wanting to
insult Bryant is one thing, maybe even understandable in a way. But punishing
Lin for some unknown, mysterious and invisible reason with playing time
fitting a 9th or 10th man on the rotation? Seems like Scott is once again
reading the abilities of his players in all the wrong ways.
这就是湖人本季坦战绩模式, 但主打Kobe就是坦战绩吗? 很难相信败总真的是这样认为的
, 但数据跟亲眼所见却再再证实了湖人让表现较好的人打较少的时间, 不想去羞辱Kobe是
一回事, 但为什么要剥夺林书豪的上场时间来处罚他呢? 只让林有着第9或第10多时间是
为了什么理由呢? 看来, 败总再一次的错误解读了他麾下球员们的使用说明书了吧~

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