djviva (时鼠无奈)
2014-12-30 11:17:34Jeremy Lin Breaks Out, Kobe Bryant Terrible as Always
林书豪爆发, 但Kobe仍一如往常的打的糟糕 http://tinyurl.com/k43ootu
The return of Kobe Bryant did show a less selfish version of himself but not
necessarily a better one, ruining it for Jeremy Lin, Nick Young and his
teammates as the Los Angeles Lakers lost for the third straight time and
sixth in seven games, this time to the red hot Phoenix Suns.
归队后的Kobe展现了较不自私的自己, 但仍不够好, 毁了林书豪跟Nick Young与其他湖人
队友们的努力, 最终湖人三连败 & 近七战六败
The offense clicked for the most part in the 116-107 defeat but the defense
continues to move between less than competent and being a complete joke at
times, especially when Bryant and Ronnie Price are in the backcourt together.
As much as we love to bash both players, it can’t be that Markieff Morris
gets to post up on Nick Young and there isn’t a single thought among Lakers’
big men to try and help or make a switch. That has a little thing to do with
the coaching we’ve been criticizing heavily lately, although nothing is
getting better.
这场湖人的攻势还不赖, 但防守偶尔会在不太合格跟笑话中摆荡, 特别是当Kobe与Price
同在后场的时候. 提到一组后场烂, 更加值得一提的, 是不能在像是太阳的MM对Young
打post up时, 湖人的大个子们居然没有人试着出来换防协防, 教练组只需要做一点点事
就能改善这点, 我们近来也一直很用力的在抨击, 可是湖人的防守仍没有任何改善
Lin scored 19 points with 8-of-11 from the field, forgetting about making
everyone happy and simply taking what was given to him. He did have three
assists, two of them to Nick Young on 3-point shots with Young leading the
team scoring 21 points in 25 minutes. Lin was once again surprising with some
of his defensive plays, getting a steal and two blocks, making it five blocks
over the last two games and 2.25 steals over the last four.
林书豪本场11投8中砍下19分, 但没有球权无法让其他队友也打得开心, 只能简单的接到
什么样的球就做什么样的事, 林传出三次助攻, 两次是给Young砍三分让Young上场25分
钟内拿下全队最高的21分. 林书豪还在次的用好几次防守上的好表现让大家惊艳, 包含
一次抄截跟两次封盖, 已经连两场共5次火锅 & 近四场场均2.25次抄截了!
Kobe Bryant had his ‘old-age’ rest and maybe it made him realize that
shooting a lot isn’t helpful for his team. He scored 10 points on 4-of-10
from the field (50% eFG, which isn’t too bad) and also finished with 7
assists. However, he turned the ball over five times and looked miserable to
lazy and apathetic on defense during too many possessions. Still, his
offensive approach wasn’t all that bad, while Scott maybe needs to keep
trimming down his minutes.
因为"太老"连休的Kobe或许也意识到了过度自干对球队来说是没有帮助的, 本场10投4中
拿下10分另传出七助攻, 还不赖, 嗯? 然而, 他有五次失误, 他的防守也常看来懒懒散
Because Young is the team’s best scorer, and got only 25 minutes on the
floor. Jeremy Lin did have foul trouble (five personal fouls) but needed more
than 26 minutes. Maybe not in every game and obviously sometimes form
dictates those changes, but the minute spread and Byron Scott refraining from
using his best lineups more than he has is another example of just how
clueless he seems to be about getitng the most out of this team.
Young是湖人目前最好的火砲手, 却只有25分钟上场时间; 虽然林书豪本场有着犯规麻烦
, 但他需要上场超过26分钟, 或许不用每一场, 能有时这样做到就够了, 但上场时间的
延长问题以及BS抑制自己少去用他有的最好阵容, 这些个例子在在说明了他就是个无脑
Despite losing this to the Suns, the Lakers didn’t look bad all the way.
Jeremy Lin nailed a huge 3-pointer to make it a 3-point game before the
Morris on Young possession which was so infuriating to see, followed by Bryant
’s most frustrating turnover as he isolated himself in the corner before
trying to make his way between two defenders and looked careless when giving
up the ball. There’s potential to this team to look better than they have,
but the same obstacles keep getting in the way.
虽然输给太阳, 但湖人从许多角度看来都并不糟, 在MM单打Young那个让人看了赌烂的
play前, 林书豪曾砍进了颗三分让比赛紧咬在三分差, 之后....Kobe窝在角落被包夹试
湖人明显有潜力能比现在更好, 但一样的问题却场场都出现挡住了变好的路