Lakers Practice Report: Byron Scott On How Jeremy Lin Can Improve
BS说林书豪还能改善的地方 (看了你一定会更恨BS)
After the Lakers loss to the the Indiana Pacers, Jeremy Lin said one of the
most difficult things for him is knowing that he has more to offer this
Lakers team.
湖人被溜马惨电后, 林书豪表示对他来说最难过的, 就是知道自己有能力帮助球队却
After practice on Wednesday, Scott was asked about Lin’s comments:
If you got a lot more to give, give it to us then,” Scott smiled. On what
Lin can improve, Scott specified “be more aggressive, just be smart when he’
s out there playing. Our last conversation was basically you’ve got to
understand who you’re playing with, gotta get those guys involved because he
’s a guy that’s always been ball-dominant.”
周三练习后, 记者问了败总对林书豪这番话的看法, 败总微笑着说...
如果你有很多能帮助球队的, 就拿出来给我们呗~
至于林还有啥他认为能改善的, 败总表示...
上场后就更积极些, 打得更聪明些, 上一次我跟他的谈话主要是在跟他说希望他了解他
是在跟谁一起打球, 然后好好的让这些队友融入在攻势中, 会这样说是因为林书豪总是