djviva (时鼠无奈)
2014-11-14 16:31:40LAKERS LOSE TO THE PELICANS 102 TO 109 湖人102比109输给鹈鹕了
[这篇是从JLin Nation来的, 看来林迷不分台洋, 都是一样的哈哈]
Once again, the Lakers defense cost the team the game. Allowing the Pelicans
to score 60 easy points in the paint. Coach Bryon Scott was clearly
frustrated and wasn’t sure if his current lineup can play the Defense he is
looking for. Coach Scott will give his guys another 5 games to see if they
can actually run his plays. If not, he will be changing the lineup!
湖人再一次的因为破洞的防守而付出了输球的代价, 居然让鹈鹕在禁区轻松的刷了60分
, 败总非常沮丧, 他也不确定湖人现在的阵容能不能打出他要的防守, 摸了摸下巴后败
总决定将再给球员们五场的机会来看看球员们是否真能打出他要的方式, 如果还是不行
, 败总就会更动阵容!!
Coach Bryon Scott says this is the worst defense the Lakers had played so
far. He isn’t sure if the current lineup can run his defense and will give
the current lineup 3-4 more games before he makes any changes. (I think Ed
Davis should replace Boozer).
败总说这场是湖人目前打过最烂的防守, 再摸了摸下巴想了想, 还是只再看看3-4场就好
Kobe was Kobe. He was the only reason why the game was this close. However,
it did look like Kobe was running the offense a little too much. Jeremy Lin
should be running the offense.
Kobe finished with 33pts (10-28), (5-11 behind the arc) and 5 Assists.
Kobe还是那位Kobe, 没变, 他就是比数仍很接近的唯一原因, 但看来Kobe在攻势上霸球
太多了些, 应该要让林书豪来run攻势的呀~ 这场Kobe 33分(10/28), 三分11中5, 5助攻
The 2nd leading scorer was Carlos Boozer. Boozer was 6-13 and scored 16pts.
He only had 6 freaking boards. This is why Lakers do not get to many 2nd
chance attempts. I think Boozer should be replaced by Ed Davis.
得分第二多的是Boozer, 13中6拿下16分, 但他仅仅抓下6颗篮板, 这就是为什么湖人二
次进攻机会那样少的原因, 我认为Boozer应该要被Ed Davis替换掉才对
The 3rd highest scorer was Jeremy Lin with 15pts. He was only 4-11 and 1-3
behind the art. This was not Jeremy’s most efficient game. But stats wise,
he was not bad. He only had 1 turnover and 4 assists. Proving that turnover
are overrated if you’re not trying to create. I wouldn’t mind if Lin has 4+
turnovers if he was at least trying to make plays and have 10+ assists. All
these crybabies crying about turnovers. Who cares! Jlin finished the game
with a dunk!
得分第三多的是林书豪, 虽然他只有11投45中, 包含三分球3中1, 不是很有效率, 但数
据上看来并不糟, 他只有1次失误并传出4次助攻, 失误这数据呢, 是你可以控制不让它
变多的, 但如果林书豪能试着去make play组织攻势并有着10次以上助攻的话, 我才不
care TMD林的失误会不会是4次以上咧~
Jordan Hill and Wesley Johnson both had 10 points each. Jordan Hill had 8
boards and 2 assists. Wesley Johnson is getting on my nerves. It seems like
he and Kobe are icing Lin out the past 2 games. I guess they didn’t like
how Lin was “best player” in the game against the Hornets.
Hill跟Johnson都各拿下10分, Hill另有8篮板2助攻, 可Johnson真的让我很担忧, 因为
看来Johnson跟Kobe好像就是这两场让林书豪没有发挥空间的人, 我猜他们并不喜欢打
赢黄蜂那场林书豪成为湖人最棒球员这一点 = =+
Ed Davis had 8pts and 11 boards. He was 3-6 with is pretty decent. Everyone
likes Ed Davis on the floor and we are all hoping that Ed Davis will join the
starting lineup.
爱的戴维斯拿下8分11篮板, 6投3中表现极为出色, 大家都喜欢Ed在场上的表现, 大家