[外絮] Davis-Lin P&R effective already

楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2014-10-24 12:06:45
Davis-Lin pick and roll effective already http://tinyurl.com/lr6xemx
Ed-林书豪(爱的林书豪)的pick & roll连线已然极有效率
The play starts the same way every time: Jeremy Lin dribbling atop the
3-point arc, patiently waiting for a screen from Ed Davis.
爱的林书豪连线每次总是以相同模式展开的: 林书豪运球到三分弧顶, 接着耐心的等待
Ed Davis前来帮他卡位清出空间
As Lin's yo-yoing lulls his defender, Davis flashes up and sets a pick. More
often than not, Davis will go left, toward Lin's right side, which allows Lin
to gain traction and comfortably attack with his dominant hand.
当林书豪对着防守他的人运球停在弧顶时, Davis会出来帮林卡位, 通常我们会看到接下
来Davis就往左边走朝着林的右侧, 让林书豪能够吸引包夹并用他顺手的姿势做出攻击
[图] Jeremy Lin, above, calls pick-and-roll partner Ed Davis "unselfish" and
"smart" when it comes to his style of play.
[图] 林书豪称呼他P&R好搭档Ed Davis打球很无私并且很聪明
Depending on how the defense reacts, Davis and Lin will usually do one of two
根据防守方的反应, 通常Davis跟林书豪会做出下面两种回应方式之一
"You just have to read it," Lin said after the Los Angeles Lakers' 94-86
preseason win over the Portland Trail Blazers on Wednesday at Citizens Bank
Arena. "It depends what the defense is doing. Sometimes [Davis] has got to
get out of there quick. Sometimes he can meander around behind for a pop."
在94-86击败阿拓赛后林书豪表示, 要去解读对手的反应, 得看对手做出怎样的防守,
有时Davis挡人后得快点离开那边往内走位, 有时他得在我后面待着等接球后跳投
If Davis' defender comes up to trap Lin, or "show" with a hard hedge, Davis
will slip the screen and dart to the rim. Lin can then pull up for a midrange
jumper, hit Davis with a bounce pass or find the open man on the weak side as
an opposing defender likely collapses into the paint to stop Davis from
scoring undeterred.
若防守Davis的人前去对林书豪设防守陷阱, 或展现出对林书豪协防的意味时, Davis就
会滑出刚才挡拆的地方往篮下跑去, 然后林书豪就能选择自己进行中距离跳投 or 传给
Davis or 另一个防守者前往篮下协防Davis时传给在弱边有空档的队友
But if Davis' defender drops back and hangs around the free throw line, Lin
has the speed and ballhandling ability to pick up momentum off the dribble
and blaze past the slower big man into the paint. From there, he can lay the
ball in, dish to a trailing Davis or kick out to a weakside spot-up shooter
(usually Wayne Ellington or Wesley Johnson).
但如果防守Davis的人回来防守罚球线附近的位置时, 因为林书豪速度快并且控球能力够
, 林就能自己运球闪过对方长人切入篮下, 之后, 林书豪可以自己上篮取分, 或把球传
给跟进禁区的Davis, 又或者传给在弱边等球的射手, 通常是W.Ellington或W.Johnson.
The effectiveness of the game's bread-and-butter play best materialized in
the fourth quarter with 3:22 left.
对阿拓这场最令赏心悦目的, 莫过于第四节3:22那次play
As Lin reset the offense on the right side of the floor after a Roscoe Smith
offensive rebound, Davis came up on Lin's right side and screened his
defender, C.J. McCollum. After taking McCollum out of the play, Davis rolled
to the rim, and his defender, Meyers Leonard, stepped up to contest Lin.
在R.Smith抢下进攻篮板后, 林书豪接过球在右侧重新梳理湖人的攻势, 说时迟那时快,
只见爱的戴维斯轻步上前双脚稳稳踏在林书豪右侧卡位, 挡住了防守林的C.J让林得以运
球往内跑, M.Leonard见状急忙放掉Davis前去协防林书豪, 而Davis就接着往篮下跑去
The outcome was predictable, yet virtually unstoppable.
Lin threw a soft lob with his right hand and Davis flushed it home, giving
the Lakers a commanding 88-75 lead with 3:16 left.
结果会怎样昭然若揭, 林书豪右手将球轻挑往上, Davis接球后第一时间灌篮得分~
"I love playing with J-Lin," Davis said. "He's a pick-and-roll guy; that's
what he wants to do. He gets into the lane. I'm just trying to get him open.
He can take the jump shot or he can find me at the rim. He's always looking
for me, so whenever we're out on the floor together I make sure I get him
open and set good screens for him."
Davis说"我好爱跟林书豪一起打球, 林完全就是挡拆的化身, 这也是他想要做的. 林书
豪切入禁区, 我就尽量帮他挡出空间, 之后他可以自己跳投或是在篮框附近找到我, 他
总是在找我在哪, 所以无论何时, 只要我们一起上场时我肯定都会帮他做好挡人让林书
The feeling of appreciation and on-court synergy is mutual.
Davis对林的感激之心与在场上的合作感, 林书豪对Davis亦然, 对此林书豪表示...
"Ed does his job in terms of just getting me open and then rolling hard and
finding the open gap," Lin said. "Ed is one of those guys where, if he comes
and sets 20 pick-and-rolls, and the weak side is there 20 times in a row and
he doesn't get the ball, he'll still continue to do his job and get me open
and roll to the right spot. That's just unselfishness and him being smart."
Davis确实做好了他的工作帮我挡出空间, 之后他也都能好好的走位并且找出空档间隙,
这样说好了, 如果他执行20次的档拆他就能让我们在对手的防守弱边出现20次的空档,
虽然之后他并不一定能接获传球, 但他还是依然会持续做好他的工作好让我有空档并且
自己跑位到对的位置, 这就是为什么他叫做"爱的戴维斯", 就是因为Davis是如此的无私
The success of the Davis-Lin pairing should come as no surprise, as both
players have thrived within the confines of their current roles before.
"爱的-林书豪"连线能成功并不令人感到意外, 因为这两人在以前挡拆就都打得不错
Lin has long been an elite pick-and-roll practitioner
作者: bluesunflowe   2014-10-24 13:58:00

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