The Value of Jeremy Lin to the Los Angeles Lakers Next Season 节略翻译
Expect Jeremy Lin to do the best he can to help the upstart Los Angeles
Lakers win more games as possible this coming season. The acquisition of the
Asian-American star along with veteran power forward Carlos Boozer has
certainly upgraded the team's roster makeover. Still, analysts predicted
another disappointing campaign, wherein the Lakers will miss the postseason
for the second straight season.
林书豪跟Boozer大大提升了湖人, 但下季湖人是否会连两季错失季后赛仍是个大哉问
There are areas of concern for this squad. One is the lack of defensive
specialist who can make things tough for the opposing teams' best offensive
player in a nightly basis. Kobe Bryant perhaps boasts multiple All-Defensive
team selections, but the ageing star might have a hard time on the defensive
end these days, as he will regularly be pitted against speedy, more athletic
youngsters. Let's get it straight here, Kobe Bean still got skills, though
the wear and tear of a long season would take away some of his springs he
used to have for the entire year.
湖人其中一个问题就是缺少位防守专家, Kobe更老了更守不住年轻的敌手们
Another major problem the Lakers have to fix is their thin frontline. Pau
Gasol had been the anchor of their defence during their
championship-contending days, but now, the Spaniard's departure to the
Chicago Bulls left a gaping hole down low, making them susceptible to teams
with an arsenal of talented slashers and ball penetrators.
另一个问题是现在薄弱的锋线, 之前老扛着防守重心的Gasol走了
Lin is coming off a so-so season, averaging 12 points and 4 dimes per game in
backup role for the Houston Rockets. These numbers might not be too
encouraging; especially for a franchise that has been a gold standard of
success in the NBA. However, Lin can certainly help the Lakers become
competitive again in a tight Western Conference.
上一季林书豪只有普通的场均12分4次助攻, 然而林绝对可以帮助湖人在竞争激烈的西区
变得更有竞争力 (大家都知道为什么上季数据普通, 就甭老调重弹了)
With Nash expected to play lesser minutes as he tried to preserve his body
for the postseason, Lin will have tons of playing time as the Lakers' primary
ball-handler. Of course, most of the plays will still revolve around Bryant,
but Lin will assume a big role in the team's campaign next season.
Nash应该会如预期的上场时间更少些好保留体力打....是的, 打季后赛, 这样一来林书豪
就将会是湖人新球季最主要的控球者, 当然林书豪多数的play一定得以老大Kobe为中心打
, 但即使如此, 林书豪仍旧会是湖人新球季阵容中相当重要的角色~
Not more than three years ago, Lin generated tremendous buzz in the New York
City area after coming out of nowhere to save the Knicks plunging season that
year. Throughout his run of epic proportions, the former Harvard star showed
his ability to create his own shots, orchestrate offense and fill up the
score sheets with his versatility on both ends of the floor.
尼克的林来疯~ 林书豪证明给大家知道他有着创出自己投篮机会的能力, 以及组织队友进
攻的能力, 并且用他那多元的身手在攻防两端都能在数据表上填上许多的赞!!
One veteran NBA pundit even called Lin a 'deceivingly' awesome player, as the
Asian-American star shattered the stereotypes that defined players coming
from the continent across the Pacific.
有位NBA资深球评看到林书豪用那些表现, 粉碎了众人对于亚洲人的篮球偏见后, 称呼林
Next year, it won't be shocking to see Lin averaging 18 points and 10 dimes
per contest. The talents the Lakers are able to assemble may fade in
comparison to the star-studded teams of the pasts, but these players were way
much better than the talent that surrounded Lin during his Knickerbocker run.
That makes Lin valuable next season for the Lakers, perhaps more valuable
than Bryant. Kobe will be Kobe, but Lin's impact could be the
difference-maker for the franchise's upcoming campaign.
下一季, 应该很有机会看到林书豪场均得分来到18分以及10次助攻. 虽然新球季湖人的阵
容不比以往来的好, 但这些球员总比当时林来疯时要来的更有天赋, 所以这些在在都说明
了林书豪下一季披上紫金战服后会表现的相当出色, 甚至有可能比Kobe更加闪耀.
Kobe仍会是Kobe, 但林书豪所带来的冲击将会是大大改变湖人
It's right. The Lakers current roster is flawed, and talent-wise, deprived of
skills present in every championship team. But sometimes, talent become
irrelevant without the heart to persevere against all odds. Sometimes, it all
needs a little bit of Lin to win, win.
新球季湖人的阵容不完美, 没错; 每支冠军球队都充满了有天赋有技巧的球员, 也没错
但有时候只有天赋却没有那颗凝聚队友的心, 更多的天赋也无法发挥1+1=2的功效
这时候, 往往球队更加需要的, 就是像林书豪这种人, 来赢得比赛~
最后两段看的好爽~ 作者应该也同样欣赏林来疯吧!!
大家一起来跟林书豪Pick & Roll~
跟Kobe & Boozer配合一堆一大堆Alley Oop嗨翻全球, 湖人Show time再现!!!