[闲聊] ESPN新闻下的"林"推文

楼主: Starwindd (原PO大叔)   2014-07-03 04:37:46
Man, that's just Linsensitive. (insensitive: 不顾别人的感受)
He must be Lincensed. (incensed: 火大)
They should have asked for his Linput. (input: 意见)
Looks like Houston put all their chips on the table, and
went All-Lin on their pitch to Melo.... (all-in: 全力以赴)
I'm not sure that team with Melo could win it all. Just
seems like they would be missing some Lintangibles (intangible: 无形的)
That's lindiculous. No? Not funny? I'll go sit in the corner
(ridiculous: 荒谬的)
Some say rockets landing melo is linpossible (impossible: 不可能)
Jeremy keep your Lin up (keep your chin up: 抬着头正视前方,鼓励的意思)
Such an Linjustice. Their treatment of poor Jeremy is just Linhumane.
(injustice: 不公义, inhumane: 没人情味)
The article was kinda average, but the comments are pretty Linteresting
(interesting: 有趣)
作者: bluesunflowe   2014-07-03 06:32:00
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   2014-07-03 07:05:00
以前就酸林找存在感阿 目前在火箭板找到一席之地由此可知某版的风格..大叔好久不见火箭这样招募手段是OK 但是不先通知就很没品 手段有高低级之分阿 只是不通知就很低级 即使快交易 LIN还还是队上球员 假使甜瓜招失败 是不是林就还要待在这其实我想比较贴切台湾的 以前阿公死了 儿女在丧礼讨论分家产 别人家会骂 你家阿公尸骨未寒 就在谈分家产现在是进步到阿公活着就在讨论分家产了 XD 路人看到无言...楼上补的好XD应该没有这样吧CF的文只想护航平息风波 那是两回事

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