taweiyang (this is it)
2014-06-24 13:23:45原文网址 http://ppt.cc/lJBs
前言:这是林的好朋友Chris Baldwin最新的文章
就算尽可能中立地翻 整篇看起来还是很偏(搔头)
anyway 期许板上的大家都是理性林迷
我们支持林 也欢迎所有对林的批评
声音本来就有所不同 但最终目的都是希望林变得更好
最后 没有暑假的人谨以此篇祝大家暑假快乐 XD
Kawhi Leonard proves what Jeremy Lin could be with a Gregg Popovich level
coach: A Carmelo Anthony lesson?
In his first season as a part-time starter, Kawhi Leonard averaged 7.9 points
and 5.1 rebounds per game. Three years later, Leonard's the reigning Sports
Illustrated cover star, the NBA Finals MVP and an ascendant franchise player.
杂志)“Sport Illustrated”的封面球星、NBA总冠军赛MVP,以及一个声势看涨的明星球
In his first season as a part-time starter, Jeremy Lin averaged 14.6 points
and 6.2 assists per game. Three years later, Lin's no longer a starter, he's
routinely ripped by basketball bigots and he's easy trade bait.
Kawhi Leonard is what happens when a coach displays real belief in a player,
when an organization puts team over stars, when player development is a real
mission rather than just a convenient soundbite mantra. Jeremy Lin is what
happens when a coach shows his doubt nightly, when it's all about promoting a
few select superstars, when young players are nothing more than trade pieces.
This is something Rockets owner Leslie Alexander should be thinking about as
his franchise preps to go all out in its pursuit of free agent Carmelo
Anthony — and possibly even a longshot play for LeBron James. With Melo
informing the New York Knicks he will opt out and become a free agent, all
the NBA's abuzz about the big ticket prizes. And the Rockets and general
manager Daryl Morey are the most panting suitor.
这是当火箭老板亚历山大准备倾注一切追求自由球员甜瓜 ─ 甚至很有可能是一次高射炮
for小皇帝 ─ 之际,对于他的球队应该要好好考虑的(指上一段讲的事)。随着甜瓜告知
If McHale had only worked to help Jeremy Lin rather than to hinder him, if
he'd only been more open minded, the Rockets would be in a much different
position today.
It's a great way to build excitement. But what about building up the
potential future stars on your own roster?
The San Antonio Spurs' championship drives home just how short the Rockets
have come in this vital mission. The Rockets are clearly not taking advantage
of all the talent on their current roster.
Kawhi Leonard was nothing but an afterthought to most of the league three
years even as Jeremy Lin first took off under Mike D'Antoni in Gotham,
spawning Linsanity. But Spurs coach Gregg Poppovich saw something special
there and he kept giving Leonard more and more leeway and prodding — until
the point where he's yelling at him to be The Man before the NBA Finals'
crucial Game 3.
多(上场时间的)余裕与敦促 ─ 直到NBA总冠军赛关键的第三战之前这个时刻,他对可爱
大吼要他be The Man。
In contrast, Lin couldn't have been more on top of the world or more sure of
his game when he arrived in Houston as a big-ticket free agent. But Rockets
coach Kevin McHale always saw something less than what was there and he kept
holding Lin back, questioning him more and more — until the point where he's
no longer even deemed starter worthy.
─ 直到他不再被认为值得打先发球员。
Belief is a powerful force. So is disbelief.
The Spurs are greater than the sum of their parts, toppling the NBA's single
brightest supernova talent in the NBA Finals, one year after coming a miracle
three away from doing it the year before too. The Rockets are less than the
sum of their parts, managing to loss to a flawed Portland team in the first
round despite having two of the Top 10 players in the league.
这段要详细翻译好难 抱歉就用我的话翻了 XD 大意是去年马刺因为雷枪奇蹟似的三分球输
The comparison is real. Players go to the Spurs and get better. Players go to
the Rockets and regress. Unless you're one of the anointed superstars, you're
a disposable, discounted piece in H-Town.
Strangely, that's apparently not even playing well with Carmelo Anthony.
Anthony, who's often been derided as a Me-First Man, is reportedly most
interested in Chicago and its team-above-all coach Tom Thibodeau. Anthony
never liked Lin grabbing the attention away from him in NewYork.
But he apparently likes the idea of continuing to underachieve himself even
Carmelo Anthony's Call 甜瓜的决定
The Rockets have a Kawhi Leonard level talent — albeit one with a completely
different position and skill set — in Jeremy Lin and they're absolutely
wasting him. Leonard never scored 20 points or more in three straight games
until the last three games of the NBA Finals. But Popovich still found a way
to build him up all along.
火箭拥有可爱等级的天赋 ─ 尽管他的位置与能力全然不同 ─ 也就是林,而他们完全浪
Jeremy Lin scored 20 or more points nine times in his first month as a
starter in New York alone. But McHale still found a way to tear him down,
night after night after night.
Throughout it all — the yo-yoed playing time, the benchings, the
inexplicable decision to start Patrick Beverley at the point instead — Lin's
still determinedly worked on his game. His own drive continues this summer —
even as the Rockets explore trading him and fawn over Melo.
从头到尾 ─ 起伏不定的上场时间、板凳,以及莫名其妙让小贝打先发控卫的决定 ─ 林
仍旧决然地打好比赛。他所拥有的原动力在这个夏天持续著 ─ 尽管火箭想尽办法要交易
"One thing I want to focus on is definitely just continuing to improve on my
3-point shooting percentage," Lin tells Huff Post Live in a summer sit-down
video interview in New York. "It's gone up every year. But I want to be a
40-percent shooter from the 3-point line. That's what I was in college — for
a year.
影片采访座谈里这样告诉Huff Post Live。“它(三分球命中率)每一年都在上升。但我想
要变成一个三分线外四成命中率的射手。那是我在大学时代做到的 ─ 其中一年。”
"I'm at 36 percent right now (in the NBA). As long as I continue to improve .
. . "
Lin is making himself a better player, day by day, setting himself up for a
Kawhi Leonard-size leap. Maybe, his next team will see that. It's no stretch
to imagine Jeremy Lin as a future NBA Finals MVP. He's not an All-NBA level
player. But he's very capable of taking over an important playoff series.
Especially the way he's working.
飞跃 。或许,他的下一支球队会看见这一切。这并不是要我们想像林将会是未来的NBA总
"Things like defense and my left hand are things I want to improve," Lin
says. "I do think I've improved a lot in those areas and that hasn't been as
widely recognized perhaps. But I do think I've made strides in those areas.
Lin's defensive leap (just ask Tony Parker of the champs how stifling Lin can
be on D) isn't recognized largely because McHale and the Rockets never
acknowledge it. Let alone promote it.
For a franchise that campaigns for every bit of recognition, the silence on
Lin is rather telling. Morey hopes Carmelo Anthony hears the Rockets'
relentless superstar love. Instead, a different sound may be going out to the
entire NBA.
McHale's squandered one potential difference-making talent in Jeremy Lin.
Who's next?