jimlen (Jim)
2014-05-02 17:32:08林书豪给McHale上了一堂团队篮球课:别再说什么林来疯的傻话,这叫教练找回理智
In the end, Clutch — the Houston Rockets' mascot bear — is shooting off a
confetti streamers gun, as if the Rockets have won a series or something, not
just the first of the three straight elimination games they need. Three
different Rocket players are being interviewed on the court — Dwight Howard
by TNT, Jeremy Lin by CSN and Chandler Parsons for the in-house feed
broadcast on the giant scoreboard.
在球场上接受访问 - TNT访问Dwight Howard;CSN访问林书豪;以及大计分板上
接受broadcast采访的Chandler Parsons。
And the guy who shows up at Toyota Center carrying that "See y'all Sunday"
sign is feeling better about himself.
All because Jeremy Lin finally has the Rockets offense in his hands. With
Kevin McHale essentially out of other options, Lin's allowed to play like a
true point guard for one of the first times all season.
这都是因为林书豪终于一肩扛起了火箭队的进攻。在Kevin McHale基本上用光了
The result?
Predictably, the Rockets look like more of a team than they have all series
and pull out a 108-98 Game 5 brush back of Portland. This is what it looks
like when everyone's involved and James Harden's not just dominating the ball.
把比赛带回波特兰。这就是当所有人都加入比赛,而没有单纯由James Harden支配
It's not Linsanity. It's about his coach finally finding forced sanity.
The forced and tired references to Linsanity returning whenever Lin receives
the chance to play a major role are silly and clueless. That storyline
completely ignores reality. This isn't about Jeremy Lin discovering his
long-lost A Game.
Lin's always been capable of leading the Rockets this way. He's just usually
denied the opportunity.
On this Wednesday night, the near supernova combination of McHale's beloved
Patrick Beverley being completely zapped by a 101-degree fever and Harden
looking so lost that not even McHale can ignore it, gives the Rockets coach
little choice but to turn to Lin.
这周三晚上,McHale钟爱的超新星Patrick Beverley被101度的发烧给完全击倒,
"He played better," McHale says of Lin in his postgame news conference.
"Jeremy has had some very good games for us.
"We needed him."
If that sounds a little like damning with faint praise — particularly the
"he played better" qualifier — so be it. Jeremy Lin is used to being
underappreciated by his own coach.
如果这听起来有点像是伴随着微弱赞美的咒骂的话 - 特别是“他打得有进步”那段,
The complementary players Lin gets more involved in the game certainly know
what playing with a true point guard can do for one's game. It's no
coincidence that Omer Asik plays his best game of the series by far (10
points, 15 rebounds) with Lin running the show.
比赛带来什么样的改变。Omer Asik在林书豪的领导下打出本系列赛中最佳表现
Lin knows how to get an offensively limited big man engaged in a game. See
Tyson Chandler. In fact, it's no big wonder that these Rockets almost look
like the Knicks of Lin's heady New York run during stretches of Game 5. The
ball's moving, everyone's hustling because they know there's always a chance
they'll get a pass (something not true when it's all Harden Hero Ball) and
the Trail Blazers don't know who to focus on defensively.
Tyson Chandler就知道了。事实上,第五战的状况就像这些火箭队的球员
Jeremy Lin's Passing Ways
Lin's only credited with four assists, but they all come in the last 6:52 of
the first quarter (yes, with Beverley gasping for air, Lin gets into the game
at a juncture that must feel unfathomably early to McHale), setting an
immediate tone. One of those assists is a drop off to Asik inside for an easy
dunk after Lin drives deep into the lane. Another is a fast break pass to
Chandler Parsons for a 3-pointer. The other two set up no-stress dunks for
Asik and Howard.
轻松灌篮;另一次则是在快攻时传给Chandler Parsons命中三分;另外两个
With Jeremy Lin attacking, the Rockets are attacking — as a team. And
they'll never stop, racking up a whopping 60 points in the paint and
collecting 23 assists to the Blazers' 14.
随着林书豪的进攻,火箭队也进入进攻模式 - 像一支球队般的团队进攻,
For the first time in one of the most entertaining first round NBA playoff
series you'll ever see, the Rockets don't face final minute angst. They're
actually running out the clock rather than trying to set up a desperate last
shot against the fifth seed.
This is what giving a true point guard control of the team — at least for
important stretches — can do.
Jeremy Lin finishes with a playoff career-high 21 points on 9 for 15 shooting
in 31 minutes of playing time. But more than his own numbers, it's about the
balance he brings. Four Rockets score between 17 and 22 points. No player
takes more than 22 shots and five Rockets get at least 12 shots.
In many ways, it's a clinic in the power of teamwork. One hopes McHale is
taking note, but with Jeremy Lin delivering the lesson that's highly
unlikely. Unfortunately, it's too easy to imagine the Rockets reverting to
their Hero Ball ways under the immense pressure of Game 6 in Portland Friday
That game's likely to decide the series. Home teams don't lose Game 7s. But
the Rockets, still down 3-2 in the series, still need to get to Sunday.
Jeremy Lin gets them to Friday. The Rockets game operations crew break out
all the stops for this Game 5. But all those snazzy red Clutch City T-shirts
and the timeout skit with the little kid dressed as Clark Kent popping out of
a phone booth as Superman can't do what Lin can. Hit the shots that break the
Blazers' back.
“"It seemed like Jeremy Lin hit big shot after big shot," veteran Blazers
guard Wesley Matthews says in his televised postgame dais time.
“林书豪似乎命中了一个接一个的关键投篮”拓荒者后卫Wesley Matthews
Lin hits two at the shot clock buzzer, including a double clutch 3-pointer in
which he somehow maintains his shooting balance. He shows more emotion that
he has all series too, turning back at half court and giving a flying near
Tiger Woods-worthy fist pump to the crowd after one of his shots forces a
Portland timeout. His game's finally unchained for at least a night. He's
going to enjoy it.
"God is good," the religious Lin says in his on-the-court TV interview
moments after a Game 6 is guaranteed. "It's been a rough couple of days. But
God's given me a lot of peace."
After taking all that criticism for that Game 4 turnover — while others
received a free pass for the same — Lin's given the Blazers a few uneasy
nights of wait. He's given the Rockets a blueprint on how they can control
and still win this series.
Is anyone listening?
作者: bluesunflowe 2014-05-02 17:40:00
感谢翻译!!!!!!!!!!!业界良心必推~~~~~~~~这一场出手真的超平均的...but明天球还是给我胡 屑屑超佩服几个持续在写Lin被不当使用文章的作者...连迷迷都懒的讲了说.....(汗
作者: bluesunflowe 2014-05-02 22:34:00
一整季这记者再三强调Lin被放在错误的位置上Lin就算不能得分..他可以很好的带动球队 组织进攻这记者看的是整场比赛..不是看某一球 某一失误比起来..总是在林板看到检讨Lin某个出手(ex:切入放枪整场比赛个位数出手...到底要检讨什么我实在不知道当然林迷都是替林在着急..但...可以挺得更豪迈点吗?就像lin说的任何事都有原因...相信林吧~~并非要完全帮他说话..但放大每一个play???季赛Lin的上场时间 出手数 球权真的都很少...就酱~上场时间也许不算少..但零碎 抽差调度(别挑我语病啦我不知道什么叫激进??..我也没讨论被酸的部分我只是提出自己的看法..当然要检讨的可以继续检讨还有~~酸酸永远可以找到酸点..扯激入球迷??一.一