今天写落落长信给 Dejan 反映,并附上毁损包裹的图片后,节录收到的回信如下:
thank you very much for your honest email.
Recently I received a lot of mails from concerned customers from Taiwan.
We now understand exactly what you mean and will change what is possible from our side.
We will change the shipping label to Taiwan, so the package will be directly routed to Taiwan and no changes on the address will be done anymore.
This is what we can do from Cultizm - starting today.
I apologize for the damaged package, please let me know if you want to send it back to us.
感谢包括 martinD 在内,每一位写信给 Cultizm 的各位版友。恭喜大家一起取得我们应得的尊重。