1. 信用卡数张,有直白写白金卡的最好。 其他什么卡别都是在制造自己的痛苦。
2. 照片一张:三个月内的大头照,脸不要太小,不然审查人员扫了系统辨识太小又要重
3. 收入印纸: 先买好,2200, 不多不少。 最后会叫你贴。
其实东西有准备好,审查人员能跟他们拿到的指引对得起来。 那速度就会很快,只要需
※ 引述《ray0808 (Ray)》之铭言:
: [前情提要]话说我用花旗飨乐卡通过了第一阶段审查,开心的准备要去做第二阶段审查
: 领取TTP卡,想说此后可以摆脱入关长龙的恶梦...
: 三年疫情前是在成田机场顺利领取的,这次是顺道想在关西机场,查了官网的地点列表
: https://i.imgur.com/2Gixix6.jpg
: 想说嗯,有三个地方可以办,稳了啦。结果到了一航4楼的CIQ PR room,关门中...
: https://i.imgur.com/VeJd5c6.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/y0S7IH6.jpg
: 看到布告已经略显泛黄破裂卷曲,觉得有点不妙,这所谓的因疫情临时闭锁看来
: 已经持续一段时间不是我刚好今天运气不好遇到而已,接着去找到机场接驳车
: 搭去我从未去过的二航厦,
: https://i.imgur.com/nt1ilOy.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/qWqfQjp.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/M7VhIZh.jpg
: 果然贴著几乎一模一样的告示,哭啊...
: 接下来只能先去便利商店买2200日圆的印纸,然后checkin进海关(出国审查场),
: 先后问了两个里面的导引人员,我还怕我日语太烂IPAD也开到官网给他们看,
: https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/publications/materials/ttp2_index.html
: 同时也给他们看二次审查的办理场所列表,确实是有列出这里的,
: 他们一开始还以为我已经有TTP卡想走自动通关,
: 后来我说没卡他们又叫我去先去办才能走自动通关,
: 我越讲越不爽就说我已经通过第一次审查,来这就是要第二次审查领卡的,
: 他们就说不知道这里可以可以二次审查领卡,对我说的跟出示的资料一无所知,
: 然后我就被"请"去过关上飞机了,花了一上午关西空港一二航跑了一圈,
: 吃了两餐闭门羹,两根软钉子,结果是买了2200圆的收入印纸回台湾当纪念品。干。
: 回台湾以后越想越不爽,在TTP官网上看到两个客服信箱:
: https://i.imgur.com/Yl5M4Wm.jpg
: 这次就不写日文了改写英文,结果第一个email说这不归他管,叫我写给第二个email;
: =====================================================
: Dear Customer,
: Thank you for contacting Immigration System Online Helpdesk.
: Please find the answer to your inquiry as follows.
: ■ Inquiry
: I did the Pre-entry procedures (preliminary inspection) and receive a pass
: email, then i went to OSAKA airport and tried all 3 designated registration
: counters as list (
: https://www.isa.go.jp/en/publications/materials/ttp2_pre-check_pre-check_doc
: );
: the office in terminal 1 and terminal 2 are all closed, and i went to North
: and South departure examination areas on the 3rd floor of Terminal 1, the
: staff said they didn't know anything about TTP card registration, so I canno
: complete my secondary inspection and cannot get my TTP card anywhere in OSAK
: airport.
: This should not happen and i am not happy about it, please update your
: Designated registration counters list or check with your airport staff in
: departure examination area, then i don't have to waste all day like a fool
: around in the airport and get nothing.
: ■ Answer
: We apologize for the inconvenience, but we cannot respond to your inquiries
: as we are the contact point for the operation of the Immigration Services
: Agency Online Residence Application System and the E-Notification System.
: Regarding your inquiry, kindly contact the Immigration Information Center to
: ask for assistance.
: 【Immigration Information Center】
: https://www.isa.go.jp/en/consultation/center/index.html
: If you have any questions, please refer to this e-mail.
: Your inquiry is effective for a week.
: We will close this case, after a week without any notice if you do not have
: further inquiries.
: Best Regards,