【台湾虎航因应燕子台风之作业办法;Tigerair Taiwan’s Handling Procedure for Ty
phoon Jebi】
Due to the strong typhoon Jebi hit Kansai Airport, Osaka, Japan, passengers wh
o are going to travel with Tigerair Taiwan flights (flight number including IT
210, IT211, IT212, IT213, IT284, and IT285) between 4 September 2018 and 17 Se
ptember 2018 from Taoyuan or Kaohsiung to Osaka could select one of the altern
ative options as below.
Option 1: Changing her/his travel period and destination. Passengers are able
to change their flight destination to one of Tigerair Taiwan’s destination in
Japan and travel before 30 September 2018. As long as there are available sea
t for the selected flight and before their initial departure date, changes can
be done without additional service charge and airfare difference won’t be ap
plied once.
Please note that all changes need to be done before his/her initial departure
for at least 6 hours, if s/he would like to select option 1. Tigerair Taiwan’
s call centre (+8862-5599-2555) will operate between 09:00 and 22:00 from 5 Se
ptember 2018 to 7 September 2018. If her/his booking was made through travel a
gency or other platform but not Tigerair Taiwan’s official website, please co
ntact her/his original channel for further assistance.
Option 2: Refund. Passengers are able to opt for the refunded sum to be secure
d in the credit account of Tigerair Taiwan (credited into original reservation
code: PNR). The total amount is able to be reused to purchase other air ticke
t within 6 months. Passengers are also able to choose refund full amount to he
r/his credit card account, which s/he used to complete the booking. For option
2, passengers could apply directly online (https://goo.gl/forms/q2gprTmNgrBjP
rWJ3) by her/his own before 18:00 (GMT+8) of 16 September 2018, no need to con
tact Tigerair Taiwan’s call centre.