※ 引述《garbo (阿勃勒垂泪)》之铭言:
: 期待许久,26号就要飞冲绳了,却遇上狮子山台风
: 原本以为不太会有影响
: 狮子山台风却在冲绳外海滞留三天
: 目前未来的动向变量还很大
: 这几天有去回冲绳的板友们可以一起讨论天气、航班等资讯
: 中央气象局路径潜势
: http://www.cwb.gov.tw/V7/prevent/typhoon/ty.htm
: 日本气象厅路径潜势
: http://www.jma.go.jp/jp/typh/1610.html
12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 24, Japan time:
Not much change to Lionrock, save for it making a quick loop from southwest
to northeast away from Okinawa, then intensifying a tad more than earlier
forecast as it steams headlong toward possible landfall over Japan’s main
island of Honshu.
At 9 a.m., Lionrock was 315 miles east-southeast of Kadena Air Base, moving
southwest at 9 mph. Closest point of approach to Kadena is about 290 miles
southeast at 6 a.m. Friday, before it curls back northeast.
Model guidance remains quite scattered, with some depicting landfall near
Nagoya, others near Tokyo and still more over Hokkaido. Still taking a
wait-and-see approach.