lavins (lavins)
2018-01-16 01:45:08其实我在去年DHL开始加收服务费没多久后就有跟matchesfashion反映过了,
Thanks for the reply and pay attention to my opinion, but maybe I did not
make it clear so you misunderstood what I mean.
I mentioned that DHL Taiwan charges extra fee from customers and did not mean
When the parcel arrived in Taiwan customs, DHL will first pay the tariff to
customs. And then when the package delivered to customers, DHL courier will
collect tariff(they already paid to customs) from customers. And it is free
without any extra fee before May, 2017.
But I don't know why that DHL began to charge extra fee recently.(Usually 2%
of the tariff or TWD$420.)
So I do not only pay tariff to customs but also pay 2% of tariff(or TWD$420)
to DHL.
I think the total amount of my order contained shipping cost, although
sometimes I get free shipping discount from you.
But you pay freight to DHL, DHL should help customers to handle the customs
clearance and should not collect extra fee besides tariff.
Other courier such as UPS Taiwan, FedEx Taiwan, if the price does not include
taxes and duties, they also first pay the tariff to customs and then collect
tariff from customers when the package delivered. They don't charge any
additional fee to customers. So I think DHL collect extra fee is totally
As indicated in my previous e-mail, if your price can include taxes and
duties, this way DHL is not able to collect the unreasonable extra fee(2% of
tariff) from customers. Or you can provide 2nd courier(like FedEx...) to
customers to choose. It will very helpful to customers in Taiwan.
Thank you.
※ 引述《dharma720 (小金猪)》之铭言:
: ※ [本文转录自 e-shopping 看板 #1QLXMGx9 ]
: 作者: dharma720 (小金猪) 看板: e-shopping
: 标题: [闲聊] 联合寄信至国外网站,要求换掉DHL
: 时间: Wed Jan 10 21:30:53 2018
: 相信最近许多板友都被DHL收过超不合理的420关税代垫费
: 有些网站如果有事先付税的选项就算了(但其实预先付都比实际税金高...)
: 再加上现在超过2000就课税,这一下来,搞不好代垫费都比关税贵
: 因此,我写了一封英文信供板友寄到各个使用DHL当快递
: 又没有事先预付关税选项的网站
: 各位只要改一下姓名就可以寄到客服信箱去了
: 为了让大家知道自己寄了什么,我也附了中文翻译
: 免得事后有任何争议。
: 希望大家帮忙寄到matchesfashion.com
: 如果有人想要寄到哪个网站也可以在下面推文
: 大家一起帮忙寄
: 看信件多的话,那些网站会不会愿意检讨一下
: 或是他们愿不愿意去跟DHL谈降低手续费
: 我个人认同DHL预付关税确实可能有成本
: 但在UPS, FEDEX等都没有收费的情况下
: 我强烈质疑NTD420根本不是用来cover成本
: 而是另立名目赚钱,如果DHL降低到合理价格我会乖乖付的
: 英文信如下,大家改名字就可以直接寄了
: 邮件标题:Taiwan's DHL charges unreasonably high fee on package receivers
: Hi,
: I’ve noticed that your company use DHL as your courier when delivering
: to Taiwan. However, DHL recently started charging NTD$420 (approximately
: USD$14) fee for paying duties on customers’ behave. Taiwan’s import duty
: rate for clothing is approximately 15%, and DHL Taiwan states that they
: will charge USD$14 or 2% of the duties on package, whichever is higher.
: The later one will be achieved only when your package value exceeds USD$4666,
: which I think is rare. The fee is unreasonably high and it sometimes exceeds
: the actual duty amount. DHL do provide a way for you to prepay the import
: duties to avoid the fee, but the system is extremely clunky and many people
: can’t successfully pay duties in that way no matter how hard they try.
: There are more consumer disputes with DHL in Taiwan, and many people are angry
: to a point at which they won’t buy from any website that send its packages
: through DHL. So, may I sincerely ask your company to switch to other couriers
: or collecting import duties when checking out in order to avoid the payment?
: All Taiwanese customers will be very glad if your company is willing to do
: that.
: Thank you very much.
: Best,
: 姓名
: 中文翻译:
: 标题:台湾DHL向顾客收取不合理的高额费用
: 内容:
: 嗨,
: 我注意到贵公司使用DHL运送包裹至台湾。
: 然而,DHL最近开始收台币420(约美金14元)的代垫费。
: 衣物在台湾的进口税大约15%,DHL会收US14或2%的税金当代垫费,
: 看哪个高收哪个。
: 但2%的税金超过USD14只有在买超过USD4666才有可能达成,
: 而我认为这极少发生。这个费用不合理的高昂,
: 且有时会超过实际上所收取的税金。
: DHL确实有提供其他方法预缴税费,但此系统非常难用,
: 许多人不管尝试多少次都无法成功。台湾有许多人就此事与DHL发生争执,
: 且许多人气到不再从使用DHL当快递的网站买东西。
: 我能诚挚的请您的公司换到其他快递公司,
: 或是在结帐时就预收税金以避免此代垫费吗?
: 如果您的公司如此做了,所有台湾消费者都会非常感谢。
: 谢谢您。