JillJin (变冷了)
2017-10-04 18:12:52各位好,
前几天在french connection的官网上下单几件衣服,
Thank you for your recent order - order number XXXXXXX
To protect our customers from card fraud we run security checks against
all orders placed with us. As part of our consumer protection services
we need to verify your order details, enabling us to release the
parcel from our warehouse.
Please contact us on the telephone number below to confirm the order details,
which can only be discussed with the account holder.
Unfortunately we are unable to verify this information via email.
We will ask you to confirm your order details,
please have this information to hand.
Once we verify the order details, we will be able to release your order.
If we do not hear back from you within 5 working days,
regrettably the order will be cancelled automatically.
If you are unhappy to provide these details over the phone,
please advise us of this and replace the order via PayPal.