Minimum medical benefit of $50,000 per person per accident or illness
每个意外或是就医,医疗保险最低 可给付额度需高于50,000美金
Deductible that does not exceed $500 per accident or illness
Minimum repatriation of remains in the amount of $7,500
Minimum medical evacuation expenses in the amount of $10,000
Co-insurance paid by J1 not to exceed 20% of covered benefits
per accident or illness
每个意外或是就医,保险人共同承担费用 不超过花费的20%
※ 引述《skybearlove (天上掉下来ㄉ便便)》之铭言:
: 各位保险前辈,小弟目前在申请J1签证。
: 需要一年期的保险,且要求如下:
: (单位:美元)
: 1.Minimum medical benefit of $50,000 per person per accident or illness
: 2.Deductible that does not exceed $500 per accident or illness
: 3.Minimum repatriation of remains in the amount of $7,500
: 4.Minimum medical evacuation expenses in the amount of$10,000
: 5.Co-insurance paid by J1 not to exceed 25% of covered benefits per
: accident or illness
: 小弟有些问题:
: 第一点是说最低的医疗保险金吗?
: (但我看我手上的DM,医疗就分成伤害住院 加护病房 烧烫病房的项目,
: 且金额都只有少少的几千元台币)
: 还有关于 二三四五点 很不确定到底明确指的是哪些保险要求。
: 烦请各位保险前辈给予意见,或者有哪些保险有提供如此的保单,
: 请告知我。谢谢各位。