TonyQ (自立而后立人。)
2013-11-19 18:45:16原文
Niantic's Anne Beuttenmüller:
"We see everything that goes on in the community"
Niantic 的 Anne Beuttenmüller 说
The mobile augmented reality game "Ingress" has been engaging players around
the world for a year now. The blend of geo-caching and roleplaying game has
also found a solid user base in Vienna, Austria, where both factions,
Resistance (blue) and Enlightened (green) will face each other at "13Magnus",
a global series of clashes which is currently taking place. It is the first
time, Austria's capital has been selected as battle ground for an official
event. The game has been developed by Niantic Project, a startup company
within Google. The GameStandard has talked to their representative for
Europe, Anne Beuttenmüller.
手机虚拟实境游戏 Ingress 已经吸引全球的玩家一年了。这个混合角色扮演与经纬定位
两个阵营 Resistance 、Enlightened 都将在 13Magnus 活动,这一系列正在进行的全
这游戏由 Niantic Project 开发,一间 google 的新创公司。
我们(注)跟他们的欧洲代表 Anne Beuttenmüller 进行了访谈。
# TonyQ 注:GameStandard 是这网站的意思
* From side project to main job
* 从不重要专案变成主要工作
"We are a small team", says Beuttenmüller, answering the question about how
many people work at Niantic and how many are maintaining "Ingress". Exact
numbers, however, are kept secret. Beuttenmüller has joined Google six years
ago and started working for Niantic shortly after "Ingress" was launched. At
first she gave out invitiation codes on Google's social network Google+ as a
side project. Those codes were given to players who submitted creative
content related to Ingress.
当我们问到多少人在 NIA 工作跟有多少人在维护 ingress 这游戏,
Beuttenmüller 说:"我们是一个小团队"。至于具体有多少人,目前仍是秘密。
Beuttenmüller 在六年前加入 Google 并且在 Ingress 启动后很快加入 NIA。
在一开始她在 G+ 以一个不重要专案的角色发邀请码,这些邀请码当时主要发给那些
提供与 Ingress 有关得创意内容的玩家们。
"It was great to see what the users were doing - from shaving the logo into
their hair or even knitting stuff". In June,she took the opportunity to work
as product marketing manager for Niantic, representing the company in Europe.
70 to 80 percent of her work involves community management, her other duties
are managing press and partner relations. Beuttenmüller hopes to receive
backup by a new team member soon. Since she has engaged with the community
for months, she is known to many "Ingress" players, who constantly keep
submitting feature requests, ideas, and also criticism via Google+.
看到这些使用者的成果是一件很棒的事情,他们将头发理出这个 logo 的图案,
或是甚至编织一些作品。在六月,他争取机会担任 NIA 产品行销经理,
经营新闻跟伙伴关系。 Beuttenmüller 希望能尽快有新的团队成员支援。
因为他参与社群好几个月,他透过 G+ 认识很多那些持续建议新功能、提供点子以及
批评 ingress 的玩家,
* Zero tolerance for non-official software
* 绝不容忍非官方软件
A recent post by Niantic has sparked heated discussions. The company once
again stated, that the use of modified game clients or alternative versions
of the official "Intel map" (which is used to get an overview of the status
quo in terms of portals), is against the Terms of Service and might lead to
consequences for players. Especially the "Ingress Intel Total Conversion"
(IITC), basically a collection of browser scripts which enhance the
functionality of the official map by a great deal, is popular among players.
It is often used to plan special in-game actions which often have been
featured by the official "Ingress" page on Google+ as well as the weekly
"Ingress Report" videos.
最近 NIA 发表的一篇文章已经出现热烈的讨论。这家公司再一次的规定,任何使用
修改过的游戏程式或 Intel Map (官方提供可用来观察游戏的地图) 的替代方案,
是违反游戏规章(ToS) 并且可能会对玩家产生影响的。
特别是 IITC ,这是一系列的浏览器外挂程式码可用来很棒的增强官方地图,
Ingress G+ 页面引用或在每周进行的 Ingress Report 影片中出现。
Despite users complaining, Niantic remains rigid on non-offcial tools, with
punishment imminent. Penalties are ranging from warnings to account resets,
temporary bans or even account deletion. Meanwhile, Niantic is working on
opening the platform on which "Ingress" is running in 2014, so other
developers can realize their own game ideas on the same infrastructure.
Beuttenmüller emphasizes that the team continues to develop enhancements for
the offical map.
尽管使用者抱怨,NIA 对非官方工具仍然非常严格,近期将施以严惩。
在此同时,NIA 也正准备在 2013 开放 Ingress 所运行的平台,
Beuttenmüller 强调 NIA 将持续强化官方的地图。
* "We have our own timeline"
* 我们有我们自己的时程
Regarding new features and game content, the Niantic-represantative sticks
with the company's "no comment" policy. But for a reason, she says. "This
policy gives us a certain freedom to shift our priorities and change things
quickly. That's why we are reluctant with announcements."
有关新的功能跟游戏内容,这个 NIA 代表始终坚持着公司不评论的政策。至于为什么,
This way of handling things has often been critizised by players. The
communty has been repeating the wish for an item overview to be implemented
into the game client since 2012. This only just happened this month. "Almost
every feature we implement is based on player feedback", Beuttenmüller
explains. "But we have our own timeline."
这种处理事情的方式常常被玩家批评,社群从 2012 年开始就不断有人希望有
物品数量的总览,而这个功能终于在本月完成。Beuttenmüller 解释,
* Higher levels, missions and localization in the works
But Beuttenmüller did reveal two upcoming changes to the game when talking
to the GameStandard. Niantic is definitely going to introduce missions and
will raise the level cap, which is currently at level 8.
但 Beuttenmüller 跟我们谈话的过程中透露了有两个正在进行的改变,
NIA 基本上正在引入更多任务跟将提升等级上线。(目前最高等级八)
While the existing player levels are reached solely by gathering experience
points (so-called "AP"), higher grounds will have to be climbed otherwise -
for example through fulfilling missions. When those extensions are going to
be implemented is, for now, known only to Niantic.
相对于目前的玩家等级只能透过取得 AP 来升级,
至于这些事情什么时候完成,目前只有 NIA 知道。
Localization is also work in progress. Until now, the "Ingress" software and
story has been published in English only. But this is about to change.
"Ingress" will be translated into other languages. Up to now, story and
software were only available in English. Now videos offer subtitles, with
other steps to follow.
游戏的多国语系化也已经在进行中,至于目前为止 Ingress 只出英文版,但这即将
发生变化,Ingress 将会被翻译成其他语言,到目前为止故事与软件都只有英文版。
* "We see everything that goes on in the community"
For months a rumor about a third faction has spread within the "Ingress"
community. The idea has also been discussed at Niantic, Beutenmüller says.
"We see everything that goes on in the community", she explains. The
developers are familiar with on-going discussions and memes that have been
created around that rumor. "There are even speculations about a fourth
faction", says Beuttenmüller with a smile, without disclosing anything about
Niantic's plans for the future.
一直有个谣言说 Ingress 社群将出现第三个阵营,Beutenmüller 说这个点子也在
NIA 内部讨论过。"我们看见每件在社群里面发生的事情",她如此解释。
"甚至有第四个阵营的推测" Beuttenmüller 笑着说,但没有公开任何 NIA 在
* Dynamic story development
* 动态的游戏剧情设计
The background story of "Ingress", revolving around a mysterious type of
energy, its possibilities, dangers and usage, is being developed dynamically.
It is influenced by the outcome of events like 13Magnus. What is going to
happen when the Enlightened or Resistance claim victory has already been laid
out, but Niantic stays "flexible and open" for changes.
Ingress 的游戏故事背景围绕在一个谜样类型的能量(XM),他的可能性、危险跟用途被
设计为非常动态的。这影响活动的成果,像 13Magnus。当 ENL 或 RES 获得胜利时,
将会发生什么事情已被设计好了,但 NIA 仍对改变 "弹性而开放"。
"We let players participate, offer hints and clues and watch what they are
doing with them. Then we try to react." The faction winning 13Magnus in
Vienna will receive items and documents relevant to the story.
在维也纳赢得 13Magnus 的阵营将获得道具跟被纪录在相关的剧情之中。
* A bar of chocolate and a crying smurf
* 一个巧克力棒跟一个哭泣的蓝色小精灵(?)
Anne Beutenmüller does not only supervise the "Ingress" community, she is
also an active resistance player going by the nickname "Anne". Due to her
duties, she only rarely finds time to play. The last time she found some
extended time to go on portal hunt was during her vacation, together with her
husband. Else, she plays on her way to work and back and sometimes finds time
to open up the "scanner" (Niantic's official wording for the "Ingress" app)
when traveling around Europe.
Anne Beutenmüller 不只管理 Ingress 社群,她也是个积极的 RES 玩家,暱称
为 Anne。基于她的工作,她很少能找到时间玩游戏。最后一次她找到额外的时间去
进行 portal 的进攻是在她的假期,与她的丈夫一起。
其余的时间她在上下班的路上还有在欧洲旅行时打开 scanner。(Ingress app)
Of course there is a portal at her workplace in Hamburg. It has been the
target of a special suprise organized by local Enlightened agents. They made
it Hamburg's first level 8 portal and left a "care package" for Beuttenmü
ller at the door. It showed a crying smurf and contained a few presents,
including a bar of chocolate. Beuttenmüller enjoys the creativity and
spontaneity of the players. "That was really sweet!", she comments.
当然在她 Hamburg 的办公室有一个 portal,这曾经被在地的绿军玩家设为一个
特别惊喜的目标。他们让他变成 Hamburg 的第一个 L8 portal 并且在门口留下
一个"贴心包裹" 给 Beuttenmüller 。
Beuttenmüller 陶醉在着这些玩家自发的创意中。 "他们真的很贴心" 她如此评论。
Both factions have developed "pet names" for each other. While resistance
agents are known as "smurfs" in the "Ingress" world, the Enlightened are
called "frogs" - hence their colors.
两个阵营都为彼此发展出 "宠物名称"(?) ,蓝军在 ingress 世界被认为是蓝色小
精灵,而绿军则被称为"青蛙" - 因为他们的颜色。
* No faction change planned
* (Beuttenmüller) 没有计画中的转换阵营
Beuttenmüller's choice to join the resistance was not based on the
storyline, but made for "pragmatic reasons", she explains. Her workmates had
started playing for the Enlightened. "I thought it wouldn't be fun if
everyone were green", she argues. "So I chose blue." She has not been
thinking about a faction change so far, also for very personal reasons. ""If
I joined the Enlightened, my husband would file for divorce", she explains
Beuttenmüller 解释她选择加入蓝军并不是因为故事剧情,而是因为实际的理由。
的理由。"如果我加入绿军,我的老公会跟我离婚。" 她半开玩笑的解释。
* Niantic "very much interested" in "Ingress" for Glass
NIA 对 Ingress 与 Google Glass 的整合"非常有兴趣"。
Working for Google, Beuttenmüller is one of few Europeans to be able to
experiment with Google's augmented reality glasses, called "Glass". This
platform is quite relevant to Niantic, who have already released a Glass
version of their virtual travel guide "field trip". According to Beuttenmü
ller, they are "very interested" in creating a Glass-compatible version of
"Ingress" some day.
因为在 Google 工作的原因,Beuttenmüller 是很少能体验 Google Glass 的欧洲人
之一,这个装置跟 NIA 相当相关,而 NIA 也已经释出以虚拟旅游指南为目的的 field
trip app 的 glass 版本。
他们 "非常有兴趣" 在未来开发 Google glass 上的 Ingress。
For now, the game is available only on Android. An iOS version will follow
next year. (Georg Pichler, derStandard.at, 15.11.2013)
到目前为止,这个游戏只能在 android 上玩,iOS 版本将在明年推出。