Fw: [代数] center of f.g. nilpotent group

楼主: turboho (西卡拉)   2015-06-21 23:44:56
※ [本文转录自 Math 看板 #1LXjl7uu ]
作者: turboho (西卡拉) 看板: Math
标题: [代数] center of f.g. nilpotent group
时间: Sun Jun 21 23:44:04 2015
问题:是否存在这样的 group G 同时满足下列条件:
1) G is nilpotent
2) G is finitely generated
3) G is infinite
4) Z(G) (G 的 center) is finite
Any finitely generated infinite nilpotent group has infinite center
不过我不会证 XD
作者: darkseer   2015-06-22 05:31:00
楼主: turboho (西卡拉)   2015-06-23 00:55:00
Math板有人证出来了 XD

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