RossiIelts (IELTS tutorials)
2018-11-04 11:26:49※ 引述《taymua (Yeahbee)》之铭言:
: 最近在练习剑桥题库,遇到不少听力和填写答案有出入的状况。我报考的是【电脑测验】想问大家,这样会被电脑算错吗?
: 举例:
: ● 听力- "Oh, there is a hospital with good reputation near our house..."
: ● 题目- " ____ has excellent reputation"
: ● 我的答案- 空格填入"The hospital",觉得应该要配冠词较符合文法。但正确答案是"Hospital"。
: 最近用考满分练习,遇到不少类似题一直被判断为错误选项
可以参考IELTS官方说明 goo.gl/ARSr86
* pay attention to the word limit; for example, if you are asked to complete a
sentence using no more than two words, if the correct answer is ‘leather coat
’, the answer ‘coat made of leather’ would be incorrect
* if the question asks you to complete the note ‘in the…’ and the correct
answer is ‘morning’, note that ‘in the morning’ would be incorrect; the
correct answer is 'morning'
基本上题目不会要你填 a/the 这类function words
如果真的遇到,请直接省略function words,填入content words: hospital 就好
另外,在Cambridge题本答案上你或许会看到这样的答案 (the)hospital/hospital
代表这两种答案都对! 但请注意,考试时不要使用这样的括号,
直接写(the)hospital 或是 hospital其中一种就好。