PaulDavey (PaulDavey)
2017-09-13 17:23:03Matching Paragraph Headings. These questions are pretty tricky, and that's why
I wrote this lesson - - to show you exactly how to tackle them, with an inter
esting example to work through.
Paragraphs will be labeled A, B, C and so on. You will see a list of headings
labeled 1, 2, 3 and so on. You will have more headings than paragraphs, so som
e of the headings won't be used.
Method: Read over the headings, and underline keywords.
Go to paragraph A of the passage and check the topic sentence, then skim read
the rest of the paragraph. Do the same with the remaining paragraphs.
Problems: sometimes it is tricky because the first sentence might not be a wel
l-defined topic sentence. The meaning comes from the paragraph as a whole. Ple
ase check the full lesson here
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