[服务] 英文修订与编辑服务 (proof-editing)

楼主: littlejeffi (littlejeffi)   2017-08-29 04:20:15
我是Jeffrey Maughan,英国人, 拥有政治硕士学位于纽卡索大学,
我曾经在英国工党工作, 并且曾在英国内政部担任助理, 因此我拥有许多制定政策, 书写
报告的经验。 目前, 我定时帮一位台湾博士生修订英文论文, 因此我能够大致上了解台
我提供的校订与编辑服务包含人文社会科学 (国际关系, 经济, 地理, 都市规划与政治,
历史, 英文与英文文学, 哲学)的论文、SOP、CV、Cover letter等等。
基本的修订服务确认拼音, 文法, 标点符号.
检查英文正确性 (英式英文或美式英文)
(我也能够依客制化提出不同的修订编辑服务, 请与我联系)
基本上你能够在48小时之内取得你的文件, 如果你的文件字数小于一万字, 如果你的文件
字数大于一万字, 我可以保证大约在一个星期之内完成校订服务。
费用计算从1000字10镑(390元台币)起跳, 依照文件的内容有所微幅调整。 请连络我并说
明你需要的服务 (含预期取回的时间, 简单说明文件主旨), 金额估算, 预计完成修订服
有兴趣的朋友们,请将你们的需求寄信给我: [email protected]
Jeffrey Maughan
My name is Jeff Maughan. I can help you achieve success in your BA, MA or
Phd research papers, dissertations, theses and funding applications.
My proofreading services are focused on (but not limited to) subjects in the
Social Sciences (e.g political science, international relations, economics,
geography and urban planning) and Humanities (e.g History, Philosophy,
English Literature and English Language. I can also proofread other documents
on request.
I hold an MA in Politics with distinction from the University of Newcastle
upon Tyne. After graduating I worked for the Labour Party from 2005-7. I
then worked for a public affairs consultancy before becoming a parliamentary
assistant to a UK government minister.
As a native English speaker, I can improve the quality of your written
English, helping you communicate what you really mean to say to your audience.
My services range from:
‧ A basic Proofreading service to ensure correct spelling, grammar and
‧ Checking for correct use of UK (or US) English
‧ Ensuring a proper and consistent academic style
‧ Ensuring references and footnotes are in the proper format
‧ Highlighting aspects of your work that might need further research or
clarification and suggest possible changes to the text
Normally I will able to get your work back within 48 hours if your work is
less than 10,000 words. If you work is more than 10,000 words I can
guarantee a turnaround of around a week. If you require a faster turnaround,
I can offer an enhanced service at an additional cost.
Fees start at £10 per thousand words. Please contact me at
[email protected] with a description of your needs for a more detailed

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