chilou (studying in UK )
2016-04-24 17:34:47哈囉各位同学好
感谢 niu66版友,热情推荐Chris 老师,
以下 附上chris 老师的写作的讲义给有兴趣的同学参考
Please write an essay describing some of the
environmental problems that the world faces today and
suggesting ways in which we can protect natural
resources so that they can be used by future generations.
Cite relevant examples where you can.
Reading the question 1- what do we have to write about?
This is a fairly typical IELTS Type 2 assignment that centres on
a topic that frequently features as a topic in this module of the
Test – the environment. On your first word you should underline
the most important topic words. When we do that here it will
look something like this:
Please write an essay describing some of the
environmental problems that the world faces today and
suggesting ways in which we can protect natural
resources so that they can be used by future generations.
Cite relevant examples where you can.
So let’s list what we have, then we can look more closely and
order them in terms of primary and secondary importance.
Environmental problems
Protect natural resources
Future generations
So we have a fairly straightforward task here. Remember that
on your first reading of the essay question you should always
look for key nouns/noun collocations. The phrase that
indicates the main subject of the essay, or the primary topic is:
Environmental problems
Now let’s see how we can order and under and understand the
secondary topic words and phrases in order to understand what
aspect of the topic we have to write about. The secondary topic
words will usually contain a verb or verb collocation – in other
words, something that is actually happening in relation to the
noun subject. So let’s look for this is our secondary topic
Protect natural resources
Future generations
Once again, it is fairly easy to understand what we are being
asked to write about here. The key verb is protect, specifically,
protecting natural resources – the things that nature provides
us with in order for us to live on the planet.
Reading the question 2 – what type of essay are we being
asked to write?
Two words offer an important indication of what type of text we
are being asked to produce here – problems and suggesting.
The former noun indicates that we need to describe some
things that are wrong, and the verb here tells us that our essay
needs to suggest some measures that may help to solve them.
Summary: Question analysis
We are being asked to write a problem and solution type
essay about environmental issues. A simple plan will look like
Introduction – tell the reader that your text is about the
environment in your opening sentence. Introduce some
ecological issues that you think are important and relevant. Tell
your reader that your essay will describe these problems in
more detail and also offer some ideas on things that may
address them.
Body paragraph 1 – feature two to three problems Describe
why they present a problem to the international community and
threaten the sustainability of human life on the planet. Use
examples of these problems – for instance, you could point to
the melting of the polar ice caps in the Artic, the loss of the rain
forest in large parts of the Amazon or the terrible pollution that
afflicts cities and urban areas in developing countries such as
Body paragraph 2 – the aim of this paragraph is to offer your
reader suggestions in order to make the environment better –
remember that you must address the question directly, which
means stating how to protect and conserve resources. This
paragraph is the place in your essay to do that, so its tone
should be positive and upbeat. You also need good examples
of how conservation is taking place and environmental
problems are already being addressed, things such as the wide
scale development and use of sustainable energy sources such
as solar power in China, the international cooperation signalled
by the signing of the Paris Climate Change Accord that seen
most of the world’s nations agree to cut their carbon emissions
or the incredibly successful recycling campaigns in nations
such as Taiwan.
Conclusion – link back to your body paragraphs, restate how
pressing the problems with the environment outlined in body
paragraph 1 are and how solving them is important to all
nations – large and small, rich and poor. Now refer to the things
that you have suggested in body paragraph 2, state how if such
measures are implemented they will serve to conserve and
protect resources for future generations.
Remember to address all aspects of the question when you
write. Refer forwards and backwards to the points contained in
your essay in order to build coherence and convince your
reader to agree with your line of argument.
Brainstorming – synonyms and vocabulary
Environmental problems
Environmental issues, environmental blights, unstainable
technologies/practices/energies, environmental/ecological
depletion, environmental/ecological degradation.
Protecting natural resources
Conserving, conservation, resources, sustainable energy
sources, renewable energy sources, environmentally friendly
technologies/energy sources, conservation programmes.
Future generations
The future, people as yet unborn, well into the next century, in
future decades, our grandchildren.
Quick collocations
Familiarising yourself with any collocations associated with the
topic of your essay is fundamental to success in Type 2 writing.
So getting to know phrases and terms used in magazines such
as The Economist means that you use them in your own
righting to say the right thing in the right context with the right
This short exercise aims to introduce you to some of the
common collocations that we use when talking about the
For instance - endangered species
The increasing degradation of many rain forest habitats has
resulted in orang o tang becoming an endangered species.
Now link the words numbered 1 to 12 with those labelled A to L
in order to form collocations that are often used in order to
describe the environment. Answers are below.
1) Eco
2) Genetically
3) Waste
4) Global
5) Bio
6) Environmentally
7) Greenhouse
8) Air
9) Sustainable
10) Renewable
11) Food
12) Green
A) Recycling
B) Warming
C) Friendly
D) Modified
E) Chain
F) System
G) Issues
H) Pollution
I) Development
J) Diversity
K) Gases
L) Technologies
1) Eco - SYSTEM The phrase that we use the ECOLOGY of
any given environment and the plants and animals that live
2) Genetically MODIFIED. The scientific ability to breed plants
of animals that have certain characteristics.
3) Waste RECYCLING. When we keep the material used for
making something in order to use again.
4) Global WARMING The name given to the rise in the earth's
temperature over the past century or so.
5) Bio DIVERSITY Is the term that we used the wide variety of
plants and animals that live in a particular place or area.
6) Environmentally FRIENDLY. That's how we describe
something or someone that preserves or improves the
7) Greenhouse GASES are produced by burning HYDRO-
CARBON fuels such as coal, oil and gas. These are thought to
cause the GREENHOUSE EFFECT that results on GLOBAL
8) Air POLLUTION is caused by activities like cars and
industry. It is the name given to anything that CONTAMINATES
the air that we breathe and makes it more difficult for our lungs
to function normally.
9) Sustainable DEVELOPMENT is how we describe economic
activity thatdoes not harm the environment that it takes place
10) Renewable TECHNOLOGIES take their energy from the
environment that they operate in. They include things like
WIND, SOLAR and WAVE power.
11) Food CHAIN is the phrase that we use to describe how
humans, plants and animals source their food. Most of the
things that we eat are at the very end of a complex FOOD
12) Green ISSUES is the general category that all of the things
above can be described as. Anything that relates to the
environment is a GREEN ISSUE. So in this exercise we can
say thattopics such as GLOBAL WARMING, AIR POLLUTION
ISSUES that are human beings have to cope with.
If you have any problems, please contact your tutor – that
is what I am here for! Good luck.
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